cal specifications) temple ever built in the West-
ern world. He founded Kauai’s Hindu Monastery,
known officially as Kauai Aadheenam, the first
orthodox Shaivite monastery in the West.
Throughout his years of teaching, Subramuni-
yaswami traveled widely and met leaders of many
faiths and heads of state. He participated in the
World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1993.
In 1995, he named three of his longtime initiated
swamis as his consecutive successors, beginning
with the present satguru, Bodhinatha Veylanswami.
Subramuniya wrote over 30 books explaining
Hindu philosophy to adherents and others. His
lessons on Shaivism are designed to preserve the
teachings among youth, and his illustrated Master
Course trilogy—three inspired 1,000-page texts—
summarize the religion, culture, and metaphysics
of Hinduism.
The academy’s quarterly magazine, Hinduism
Today, originally begun as a newsletter in 1979,
seeks to promote Hindu solidarity in the face of
global pluralism and educate Hindus around the
world about their heritage. It covers the practices
and beliefs of all lineages and traditions within the
Hindu fold, and addresses the issues of the day in
light of orthodox Hindu teaching. The Web site
Hindu Resources Online, a public service inspired
by the message of Subramuniyaswami, is another
vehicle for dissemination of Shaivite teachings.
According to the teachings of Subramuniyas-
wami, Shaivism is ageless, the SANATANA DHARMA
or eternal faith. An enduring spirituality innate
in every man and woman, it is the source of all
religions on Earth.
Subramuniya died on November 12, 2001, at
age 74.
Further reading: Sivaya Subramuniya, Dancing with
Siva, 4th ed. (San Francisco: Himalayan Academy,
1993); ———, Hindu Catechism (San Francisco: Hima-
layan Academy, 1987); ———, Merging with Siva:
Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics (Kapaa, Hawaii:
Himalayan Academy, 1999); ———, Raja Yoga (San
Francisco: Himalayan Academy, 1973).
Sufism Reoriented See DUCE, IVY O.
Sugriva See RAMAYANA.
Sukul, Deva Ram (fl. 1920s–1940s) teacher
of raja yoga in the United States
Deva Ram Sukul, founder of the Yoga Institute
of America, was one of a handful of independent
Hindu teachers active in the United States during
Satguru Subramuniyaswami (1927–2001), founder of
Saiva Siddhanta Church and Hinduism Today (Siva Sid-
dhanta Church, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii)
Sukul, Deva Ram 425 J