Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1

dess: A Translation of the Devi Mahtamya and a Study of
Its Interpretation (Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1991); Vidya Dehejia, Yogini Cult and Temples:
A Tantric Tradition (New Delhi: National Museum,
1986); Rita M. Gross, Feminism and Religion (Boston:
Beacon Press, 1996); John Stratton Hawley and Donna
Marie Wulff, eds., The Divine Consort: Radha and the
Goddesses of India (Boston: Beacon Press, 1982); Alf
Hiltebeitel and Kathleen M. Erndl, Is the Goddess a
Feminist? The Politics of South Asian Goddesses (New
York: New York University Press, 2000); Donna Jordan,
“A Post Orientalist History of the Fierce Shakti of the
Subaltern Domain.” (Ph.D. diss., California Institute
of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 1999); Julia Leslie,
ed., Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women (Delhi: Motilal
Banarsidass, 1991); Sara S. Mitter, Dharma’s Daugh-
ters (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,
1991); Vasudha Narayanan, “Brimming with Bhakti,
Embodiments of Shakti: Devotees, Deities, Perform-
ers, Reformers, and Other Women of Power in the
Hindu Tradition,” in Arvind Sharma and Katherine
K. Young, eds., Feminism and World Religions (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1999); Lucinda Joy
Peach, Women and World Religions (Upper Saddle River,
N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002); David Smith, Hinduism and
Modernity (Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2003); Katherine
Young, “Hinduism,” in Arvind Sharma, ed., Women in
World Religions (Albany: State University of New York
Press, 1987).

Woodroffe, Sir John (Arthur Avalon)
(1865–1936) scholar of tantric texts
Sir John Woodroffe was an Englishman, Indian
civil servant, and scholar who pioneered the mod-
ern study of the tantric literary tradition.
Woodroffe was born December 15, 1865, the
eldest son of James T. Woodroffe, advocate-gen-
eral of Bengal and occasional member of the gov-
ernment of India, and his wife, Florence. John was
educated at Woburn Park School and University
College, Oxford, where he studied law. He was
called to the Bar by the Inner Temple in 1889. He
soon served as advocate of the Calcutta (Kolkata)

High Court and was made a fellow of Calcutta
University and appointed Tagore Professor of Law.
He served as judge on the High Court and in 1915
served as chief justice.
In addition to his practice and writing on
jurisprudence, Woodruffe studied SANSKRIT and
Hindu philosophy extensively, particularly TA N-
TRIC literature. As a result of long and assiduous
study of classical texts and contacts with tantric
pundits of Bengal, he translated important tan-
tric texts and added his own commentary and
introductions. His publication The Garland of
Letters is a clear and authoritative exposition of
the Mantra Shastra and includes his explanation
of the philosophy underlying tantric philosophy
and practice.
Around 1910, Woodroffe was initiated by Shi-
vachandra Vidyarnava. He did not take students,
but rather remained a scholar, intent upon provid-
ing clear and authoritative translations and expo-
sitions that would be appreciated only decades
after his death.
His publications have left an enduring legacy
of original resources translated into English and
valuable commentary on tantra. He collaborated
with a fellow initiate, Atal Behari Ghose, in pro-
ducing the first translations and interpretations
of tantra in a Western language. Because Ghose
remained anonymous in his publications, Wood-
roffe also published under a pseudonym, Arthur
Avalon. Under the name Avalon, he published
Shakti and Shakta, commentaries on the Shakta
Tantra Shastra, and under the name Woodroffe, he
published The Garland of Letters, a commentary
on the Mantra Shastra. He lectured in England
and India, including addresses to the Royal Asi-
atic Society and the Vivekananda Society. After
retirement from legal work in India, he returned
to England and served as reader in Indian law at
the University of Oxford. He died there on Janu-
ary 18, 1936.

Further reading: Arthur Avalon, (Sir John Woodroffe),
Shakti and Shakta, 2 vols. (Madras: Ganesh, 1959);

K 502 Woodroffe, Sir John

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