Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1

Efforts began in the 1980s to gather together
the factions. Gradually the idea of forming an
association emerged. At a meeting in 1994, the
group convinced the 97-year-old Srila B. P. Puri
Maharaj to take charge of the association. They
also invited the leaders of splinter groups to par-
ticipate. In February 1994, they published the
initial copy of a periodical. The World Vaisnava
Association Newsletter was distributed to every
group from the Gaudiya Math lineage to keep
them apprised of developments. In November
1994 a founding meeting was held with 120
participants. Twenty-eight ACHARYAS and SANNYASIS
became founding members.
The WVA does not facilitate guru-student rela-
tionships; nor does it create ASHRAMS. Its role is to

promote the teaching and spiritual enhancement
of SANATANA DHARMA, the vital and legitimate teach-
ings of Hinduism. Its theological approach is the-
ist, a belief in a personal deity that deserves love
and veneration. The WVA tries to help communi-
ties through troubling times in the regions where
it has a presence and to promote missionary
efforts outside India. The WVA attempts to medi-
ate between affiliated groups. Any ISKCON-based
group can join. The headquarters of the associa-
tion is in the sacred city of BRINDAVAN, India, the
mythological home of KRISHNA.

Further reading: World Vaisnava Association. Avail-
able online. URL: http://www.wva-vvrs.org/. Accessed
August 16, 2005.

World Vaishnavite Association 505 J
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