Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1

need for independent development and wanted to
publish their own version of the teachings of
Paramahansa YOGANANDA (1893–1952). Since the
1920s, SRF had taken prime responsibility for
publishing and circulating Yogananda’s writings,
but after his death some followers thought that
the SRF’s editing distorted the texts.
As SRF owned the copyrights to most of
Yogananda’s writings, the Amrita Foundation set
about reprinting materials that had passed into
the public domain, including the original editions
of Yogananda’s writings. Among the reprints were
the initial writings and essential teachings of the
infrastructure of Yogananda’s work—the lessons
on KRIYA YOGA distributed to students.
The home study course is a hallmark fea-
ture of the foundation’s services, making the
kriya lessons available to everyone. Issues are
sent out each month to subscribers. The focal
points of these lessons include the principles
of MEDITATION and concentration, as well as
physical practices designed to facilitate the
spiritual development that kriya yoga can help
achieve. Advice on diet and nutrition is also
promoted; an important aspect of kriya yoga is
promotion of a healthy body in order to awaken
KUNDALINI energy as the vehicle to spiritual bliss
The foundation has reprinted a substantial
number of the first editions of Yogananda’s early
writings, including The Second Coming of Christ,
Songs of the Soul, and Whispers from Eternity. The
foundation remains based in Dallas, Texas.

Further reading: Paramahansa Yogananda, Second Com-
ing of Christ (Dallas: Amrita Foundation, 1984); ———,
Songs of the Soul (Dallas: Amrita Foundation, 1980).

Amritanandamayi Ma (1953– ) teacher
who embodies the Divine Mother
Ammachi (beloved Mother), as Amritanandamayi
Ma is affectionately known, is a world-renowned

Hindu guru recognized as an incarnation of the
Holy Mother of Hinduism.
Sudhamani (her birth name) was born on
September 27, 1953, to a poor fisherman in the
small village of Parayakadavu in the state of Ker-
ala, showing signs of divinity from the start. The
birth itself, which was foreseen by a wandering
religious mendicant, was said to be painless for
her mother, and the infant did not cry, beaming
a happy smile instead. At six months she began
speaking prayers and singing songs in praise of
Krishna. Her fervor increased, and by age six
she was found daily immersed in JAPA (MANTRA
recitation), devotional singing, and quiet MEDITA-
TION. This practice estranged her from family and
friends who did not understand. She took refuge
in a deep spirituality.
In the mid-1970s she had a series of pro-
found visions and meditative experiences, which
firmly established her intimate relationship with the
Divine Mother and set her on her present mission to

Amritanandamayi Ma (b. 1953), a famous devotional
teacher from South India known for physically embrac-
ing all who go to her (Ma Amritananda Center, San Ramon,

K 26 Amritanandamayi Ma

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