Handbook Political Theory.pdf

(Grace) #1

self-legislation can be meaningfully realized at the transnational levelwithout
succumbing to utopianism. Even though self-legislation has primarily been
realized within the conWnes of the nation state in modernity, we now need to
consider how it can legally be secured at the transnational level, most likely
with only limited aid from novel forms of formal supranational state organ-
ization. Needless to say, these are diYcult challenges. The basic intellectual
richness of critical theory, however, suggests that it remains at least as well
positioned as its main theoretical competitors to rise to those challenges.


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Brunkhorst,H. 2002. Globalizing democracy without a state: weak public, strong
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Chambers,S. 2003. Deliberative democratic theory. Pp. 307 – 26 inAnnual Review of
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