Handbook Political Theory.pdf

(Grace) #1

marginalized historical thinkers like Mary Wollstonecraft (Gunther-Canada
2001 ). No longer content to ask ‘‘the woman question’’ in political theory,
feminists might seek to ask the political theory question in feminism. They
might seek, in other words, to constitute a diVerent frame of reference for
thinking politics, a frame characterized neither by the androcentric orienta-
tion of the canonical thinkers nor the gynocentric orientation of their
feminist critics. Whether this attempt to think politics outside an exclusively
gender-centered frame will succeed without reproducing the now familiar
blind spots associated with the canon of political thought can only be judged
by future generations of feminist critics.


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Brennan,T. and Pateman,C. 1998 , 1979. ‘‘Mere auxilliaries to the common wealth:’’
women and the origins of liberalism. InFeminism and Politics, ed. A. Phillips.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brown,W. 1988 .Manhood and Politics: A Feminist Reading in Political Theory.
Totowa, NJ: Rowman and LittleWeld.
—— 1995 .States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Butler,J. 1990 .Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York:
—— 1992. Contingent foundations. InFeminists Theorize the Political, ed. J. Butler
and J. W. Scott. New York: Routledge.
—— 1993 .Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of ‘‘Sex.’’New York: Routledge.
Clarke,L. M. G. and Lange,L. 1979 .The Sexism of Social and Political Theory:
Women and Reproduction from Plato to Nietzsche. Toronto: University of Toronto
Collins,P. H. 2000 .Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the
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Cornell,D. 1995 .The Imaginary Domain: Abortion, Pornography, and Sexual Har-
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