Handbook Political Theory.pdf

(Grace) #1

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New Press.
—— 2000 .Essential Works of Foucault 1954 – 1984 , ed. J. D. Faubion,Volume 3 ,Power,
trans. R. Hurley and others. New York: New Press.
Fraser,N. 1989. Foucault on modern power: empirical insights and normative
Confusions. Pp. 17 – 34 inUnruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contem-
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Habermas,J. 1987 .The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, trans. F. G. Lawrence.
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—— 1996 .Between Facts and Norms. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
—— 2000. Richard Rorty’s pragmatic turn. Pp. 31 – 55 inRorty and his Critics, ed.
R. Brandom. Oxford: Blackwell.
Kymlicka,W. 2002 .Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction, 2 nd edn.
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Mengue,P. 2003 .Deleuze et la question de la de ́mocratie. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Nietzsche, F. 1983 .Untimely Meditations, trans. J. P. Hollingdale. Cambridge:
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Patton,P. 2000 .Deleuze and the Political. New York: Routledge.
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Manchester University Press.
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Rawls,J. 1993 .Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press.
Rorty,R. 1989 .Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambridge: Cambridge University
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Cambridge University Press.
—— 1991 b.Essays on Heidegger and Others: Philosophical Papers Vol. 2. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
—— 1998 .Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers Vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
—— 1995 .Rorty and Pragmatism: The Philosopher Responds to His Critics, ed.
H. J. Saatkamp, Jr. London: Vanderbilt University Press.
—— 1999 .Philosophy and Social Hope. London: Penguin.
—— 2000. Universality and truth. Pp. 1 – 30 inRorty and his Critics, ed. R. Brandom.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Tully,J. 2002. The unfreedom of the moderns in comparison to their ideals of
constitutional democracy.Modern Law Review, 65 ( 2 ): 204 – 28.

post-structuralism and liberal pragmatism 141
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