My Reveiws on Cars

(Aryan Shah) #1

exerted by the driver effectively on the wheel beforethe invention of power steering systems.
driver can get quick turn just by a small tilt inthe steering wheel thus making the driving easy.

Now let us talk about the different adjustments inthe steering wheels. Some are:
● The tiltwheelis oneof them.Firstlyinvented inthe1900sthisfunctionhelpsthe
steeringwheeltomovearcupand downwithnochangeinthesteeringcolumn.It
simply allows a fair movement in the steering wheelposition.
● The other oneis the swing-away steering wheel.Thisfunction helpsto move the
steeringwheel 9 inchesinthelateraldirectionsmakingiteasierforthedriverforentry
and exit.
● Thequick-releasehubsteeringwheelisanothertype.Itsimplymeansthatwithouteven
the help of a tool just by merely pressing a buttonthe steering wheel detaches.

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