My Reveiws on Cars

(Aryan Shah) #1

Modern Developments,

  1. AeroMobil: Introducedin 2016, itwas aprototypethatreceivedaSlovakultralight
    mystery. Its concept model of 2018 was like a sportscar with VOTL capability.

  2. TF-X: It is a pluginhybrid tilt-rotorvehicle that wouldbefullyautonomous.Itwas
    announcedon7thMay 2013 anditissaidthatitsdevelopmentcantake8-12yearsand
    on a single charge, it can travel 800km.

  3. MollerSkycarM400:Itisaprototype,beingaVOTLcraftitispoweredbyfourWanky
    and helipads. Because of having small wheels chancesare less that it can move on roads.

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