My Reveiws on Cars

(Aryan Shah) #1

  1. SkyRiderX2R:ItisdevelopedbyMARCOindustries.Itisaprototypeflyingcarandis
    lighter than the Moller Skycar M400, but has neversuccessfully completed its test flight.

  2. PAL-VLiberty:Itisacraftthatcanalsobetakenonroads.Itisagyrocopterwhichmeans
    provided by the propellers which are similar to thatof a helicopter.

  3. Suhcarswere supposedtoentertheRussianmarketin2018.ThecurrentRidegiant
    UBERwasplanningtolaunchitsownflyingcarby 2020 whosetrialswouldstartincities
    like Los Angeles, Dallas, Melbourne by 2023 by buildingthe skyports in these cities.

are not far when we will be able to travel on a dailybasis in one of these.

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