The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

thinking, and at the end of the day, you are going to need to do more than think if
you want to change your life.

Wilson clearly agrees. He has said that, “our minds aren’t stupid. It’s not like
you can just tell your mind, ‘Think Positively.’ You’ve got to nudge it a little more
along.” I believe you must do more than nudge. You must push right through the
feelings that stop you and do the work to break the habits that hold you back. And
then, you need to replace each and every one of these destructive habits with a
habit of courage.

At the next meeting, Christine will need to practice everyday courage. She will
have something to say and she’ll feel uncertain and uncomfortable. She will doubt
herself as she is about to share her ideas, and then, she’ll hesitate and feel herself
resist. That’s the push moment. It’s a moment when your values and goals will align,
but your feelings will tell you “NO!” Christine will need to use the #5SecondRule
to push herself to speak.

The more that she uses the Rule, the faster she will break her habit of staying
silent in meetings and replace it with a new habit: courage. The more that Christine
is able to express her true self and bring out the ideas inside her, the more alive,
connected, and empowered she’ll become.

Nate knows exactly how empowering that feels—he is using the #5SecondRule
“everyday now” to push himself to grow his wellness business:

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