The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

“really bad place.” Here’s how she described it:

I   suffer  with    anxiety and agoraphobia and they    really  took    their   toll    on  me. I   gained  about   30lbs,  which   made    me  even
more miserable and I stayed indoors even more. Additionally, I felt pressured by my parents to do a certain degree at a
certain university and convinced myself I was fine doing this in order to please them...I watched your video and it really
made me think, is this really what I want? Am I really ‘fine’ being the size I am? Do I deserve to get what I want?
I won’t lie it took some time but I watched your talk about once a week and then I had the impulse...”

She had the instinct to get real with herself. She had the desire to assert herself
and take control of her life. She had the urge to change. And she did! Not only did
she talk to her parents, but she changed her major.

“Was    accepted    to  the University  of  my  choice  and the course  of  my  choice  and am  due to  go  this    October.    As  for my
weight, since December I’ve lost 28lbs from eating healthily, getting into a good exercise routine and it’s all down to your 5
second rule.
I hope I didn’t take up too much of your time, but I really wanted to tell you how much your talk impacted me! I
have still got a long way to go but whenever I feel myself slipping I watch your talk again!”

That’s what it takes. It takes courage to do what Alice did. It takes courage to be
honest with yourself about what you want. It takes courage to assert yourself—to
start. Often, that first step is the hardest. If you fall off the wagon or “slip,” you
can get back on track. Slipping is normal. There are days when you won’t feel like it.
Remember, you can take control again. It takes just five seconds.

Just ask Kristin. She says something really important in her Instagram post
—“The first step—getting out of bed—is the hardest. But so worth it.” No matter
how many times you’ve exercised, starting each day is the hardest part.

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