The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

It’s the coolest thing. More than 100,000 people in more than 80 countries, to
date, have written to me about their experiences using it. As more and more people
started to write with questions and requests for more information, I began to
research the Rule in depth so that I could better explain the many ways you can use
it and prove why it works. I’m a lawyer by profession, so I really went nuts on the
research. I looked for precedent, evidence, and guidance as if I were going to have
to prove my case about the #5SecondRule to a jury.

It took me almost three years. I read everything I could find on the subject of
change, happiness, habits, motivation, and human behavior. I read social science
experiments, happiness research, books on the brain, and neuroscience studies. I
didn’t limit my research to the “experts;” I sent questionnaires to everyday people,
like you and me, who were using the Rule. Then I got on the phone, Skype, and

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