The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

The fact that hesitating, holding yourself back, and overthinking are habits is
good news. There’s a simple, proven way to break or replace bad habits and the
#5SecondRule is the easiest way to do it. Once you read about habit loops, starting
rituals, activation energy, and the role that feelings play in triggering your decisions,
you’ll appreciate the magnitude of the #5SecondRule. As you use the Rule, you’ll
see how change hinges on five second decisions and just how easily you can take
back control.

The Rule will work every time you use it. But you have to use it. It is a tool. If
you stop using it, fear and uncertainty will creep back in and take control of your
decisions. If that happens, just start using the Rule again.

As you use the Rule over time, you’ll experience a shift inside yourself that is
much deeper, a transformation that impacts confidence and inner strength. You will
come face to face with the excuses, habits, feelings, insecurities, and fears that have
haunted you for years. You will see the bullshit you put yourself through every day
and how much precious time you waste waiting for things to change.

By using the Rule, that waiting will end. You will be absolutely amazed by how
much joy and freedom you feel by making five-second decisions. Freedom is exactly
how Robin described what she gets from using the Rule.

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