The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

That is how the system in your brain works—the longer that you think about
something, the lower your urge to act becomes. We are amazing at fooling ourselves
into staying exactly where we are. As soon as that impulse to act kicks in, you start
rationalizing it away. That’s why you’ve got to move faster—so you can break free
of your excuses before your mind traps you.

What Can I Use It For?

Over the years, we’ve heard thousands of examples of how people are using
the Rule to improve their life, relationships, happiness, and work. But every example
falls into one of three distinct categories for how you can use it.

• You Can Use It to Change Your Behavior

You can use the Rule to push yourself to create new habits, pull yourself away
from destructive habits, and master the skills of self-monitoring and self-control so
that you can be more intentional and effective in your relationships with yourself
and others.

• You Can Use It to Act with Everyday Courage

You can use the Rule to discover the courage you need to do things that are
new, scary, or uncertain. The Rule will quiet your self-doubt and build confidence as
you push yourself to pursue your passions, share your ideas at work, volunteer for
projects that stretch you, create your art, and become a better leader.

• You Can Use It to Control Your Mind

You can use the Rule to stop the barrage of negative thoughts and endless
worries that weigh you down. You can also break the habit of anxiety and beat any
fear. When you take control of your mind, you’ll be able to think about things that

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