asks intelligent questions!). If you cannot explain it to
his satisfaction, go back and reread the solution, mak
ing note of the crux moves, auxiliary problems posed
and solved, etc. A solid understanding of this example
will help you with the next problem.
3.4.37 (lMO 1978) An international society has
its members from six different countries. The
list of members contains 1978 names, numbered
1 , 2 , ... ,1978. Prove that there is at least one mem
ber whose number is the sum of the numbers of two
members from his own country, or twice as large as
the number of one member from his own country.
3.4.38 (lMO 1997) An n x n matrix (square array)
whose entries come from the set S = {I, 2, ... , 2n - I }
is called a silver matrix if, for each i = I, ... , n, the ith
row and the ith column together contain all elements
of S. Show that there is no silver matrix for n = 1997.
3.4.39 (Taiwan 1995) Consider the operation which
transforms the 8-term sequence XI ,X2, ... ,Xg into the
new 8-term sequence
Find all 8-term sequences of integers that have the
property that after finitely many applications of this
operation, one is left with a sequence, all of whose
terms are equal.
3.4.40 Euler's Formula. Consider a polyhedron P.
We wish to show that v -e + / = 2, where v, e,j are
respectively the number of vertices, edges and faces
of P. Imagine that P is made of white rubber, with
the edges painted black and the vertices painted red.
Carefully cut out a face (but don't remove any edges
or vertices), and stretch the resulting object so that it
lies on a plane. For example, here is what a cube looks
like after such "surgery":
Now we want to prove that v -e + / = I for the new
object. To do so, start erasing edges and/or vertices,
one at a time. What does this do to the value of
v - e + /? What must you end up with?
3.4.41 If you haven't done Problem 2.4.24, now is the
time to take another look at it.
3.4.42 (Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad 2 (00) Al
ice plays the following game of solitaire on a 20 x 20
chessboard. She begins by placing 100 pennies, 100
nickels, 100 dimes, and 100 quarters on the board so
that each of the 400 squares contains exactly one coin.
She then chooses 59 of these coins and removes them
from the board. After that, she removes coins, one at a
time, subject to the following rules:
- A penny may be removed only if there are four
squares of the board adjacent to its square (up,
down, left, and right) that are vacant (do not
contain coins). Squares "off the board" do not
count towards this four: for example, a non
comer square bordering the edge of the board
has three adjacent squares, so a penny in such a
square cannot be removed under this rule, even
if all three adjacent squares are vacant. - A nickel may be removed only if there are
at least three vacant squares adjacent to its
square. (And again, "off the board" squares
do not count.) - A dime may be removed only if there are at
least two vacant squares adjacent to its square
("off the board" squares do not count). - A quarter may be removed only if there is at
least one vacant square adjacent to its square
("off the board" squares do not count).
Alice wins if she eventually succeeds in remov
ing all the coins. Prove that it is impossible for her to