Solution: Our solution illustrates a useful application of viewing complex num
bers as vectors for parametrizing curves in the plane. Consider the general case, illus
trated in the figure below, of two circles situated in the complex plane, with centers at
a, b and radii u , v, respectively. Notice that a and b are complex numbers, while u and
v are real. We are assuming, as in the original problem, that v is quite a bit bigger than
The locus we seek is the set of midpoints M of the line segments XY, where X can be
any point on the left circle and Y can be any point on the right circle.
Thus, X = a + ueit and Y = b + veis, where t and s can be any values between 0
and 2n. We have
X +Y a+b ueit +veis
- 2
- = -
- 2
Let us interpret this geometrically, by first trying to understand what
ueit +veis
- 2
- = -
looks like as 0 :S s, t :S 2n. If we fix s, then P = veis is a point on the circle with radius
v centered at the origin. Now, when we add ueit to P, and let t vary between 0 and 2n,
we will get a circle with radius u, centered at P (shown as a dotted line below).
o -----'---..---1
Now let s vary as well. The small dotted circle will travel all along the circumference
of the large circle, creating an annulus or filled-in "ring." In other words, the locus of