The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


In/ 3 J ( )
(c) Find a simple fonnula for the sum � ;..
}=o }
(d) Generalize!
4.3.16 (Leningrad Mathematical Olympiad 1991) A
finite sequence at, a 2 , ... ,an is called p-balanced if
any sum of the fonn ak + ak+p + ak+ 2 p + ... is the
same for any k = 1,2, ... , p. Prove that if a se­
quence with 50 members is p-balanced for each of
p = 3,5,7, II, 13, 17, then all its members are equal
to zero.
4.3. 17 Let p( n) denote the number of unrestricted par­
titions of n. Here is a table of the first few values of

n p(n) The different sums
2 2 1+1,2
3 3 1+1+1,1+2,3
4 5 I + I + I + I, I + I +2, I +3,2+2,4
5 7 I + I + I + I + I, I + I + I + 2,
I + I +3, I +2+2,2+3, I +4,5
Let f(x) be the generating function for p(n) [in other
words, the coefficient of x* in f(x) is p(k)]. Explain

(^00) I
f(x) =
D I-xn·
4.3.18 Show that the number of partitions of a posi­
tive integer n into parts that are not multiples of three
is equal to the number of partitions of n in which there
are at most two repeats. For example, if n = 6, then
there are 7 partitions of the first kind, namely
I + I + I + I + I + I, I + I + I + I + 2,
1+1+2+2, 1+1+4, 1+5,
2+2+2, 2+4;
and there are also 7 partitions of the second kind,
1+1+4, 1+1+2+2, 1+2+3,
1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 6.
Can you generalize this problem?
4.3.19 In how many ways can you make change for
a dollar, using pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and
half-dollars? For example, 100 pennies is one way;
20 pennies, 2 nickels, and 7 dimes is another. Order
doesn't matter.
4.3.20 The function (l-x-x^2 -x 3 _x^4 - .r; _x^6 )-t
is the generating function for what easily stated se­
4.3.21 A standard die is labeled 1,2,3,4,5,6 (one in­
teger per face). When you roll two standard dice, it is
easy to compute the probability of the various sums.
For example, the probability of rolling two dice and
getting a sum of 2 is just 1/36, while the probability
of getting a 7 is 1/ 6.
Is it possible to construct a pair of "nonstandard"
dice (possibly different from one another) with posi­
tive integer labels that nevertheless are indistinguish­
able from a pair of standard dice, if the sum of the dice
is all that matters? For example, one of these non­
standard dice may have the label 8 on one of its faces,
and two 3 's. But the probability of rolling the two and
getting a sum of 2 is still 1/36, and the probability of
getting a sum of 7 is still 1/6.
4.3.22 Alberto places N checkers in a circle. Some,
perhaps all, are black; the others are white. (The dis­
tribution of colors is random.) Betiil places new check­
ers between the pairs of adjacent checkers in Albertos
ring: she places a white checker between every two
that are the same color and a black checker between
every pair of opposite color. She then removes Alber­
tos original checkers to leave a new ring of N checkers
in a circle.
Alberto then perfonns the same operation on
Betiils ring of checkers following the same rules. The
two players alternately perfonn this maneuver over
and over again.
Show that if N is a power of two, then all the
checkers will eventually be white, no matter the ar­
rangement of colors Alberto initially puts down. Are
there any interesting observations to be made if N is
not a power of two?

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