The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1

valid if and only if Irl < I. This is a simple consequence of the formula for a finite

geometric series.
There are many ways to determine whether a given series converges or diverges.
The simplest principles, however, are

• If }:ak < 00 (Le., the series converges) and the ak dominate all but a finite

number of the hk (Le., ak 2 hk for all but a finite number of values of k), then

}:hk < 00 •

• Likewise, if }:ak = 00 (Le., the series diverges) and the hk dominate all but a

finite number of the ab then}: hk = 00.

In other words, the simplest strategy when dealing with an unknown infinite series
is to find a known series to compare it to. One fundamental series that you should
know well is the harmonic series
1 I I
1+ 2 + 3 +
+ ...
Example 5.3.4 Show that the harmonic series diverges.
Solution: We will find some crude approximations for partial sums of this series.
Notice that
1 I 1 I^2 I

3 + 424 + 4 = 4


(^2) '
since 1 and! both dominate !. Likewise,
In general, for each n > 1,
1 1 1 1 4 1
5 +"6+^7 +^828 =^2
1 1 1 8 1

        • ... +

9 10 16 - - 16 =-^2.

1 I 1 1
2 n + 1
2 n + 2
+ ... +
2 n + 2 n

(^2 2)
since each of the^2 n terms are greater than or equal to 2n�I' Therefore, the entire
harmonic series is greater than or equal to
which clearly diverges.
1 1 1^1
1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +""
The key idea used above combines the obvious fact that
1 1


with the nice trick of replacing a "complicated" denominator with a "simpler" one.
This is an example of the many-faceted massage tool-the technique of fiddling with
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