- There are exactly two boys, and one girl chosen. Arguing as we did in 6.2.3
above, there are (i) ways to pick the boys, and (�) ways to pick a girl, and
then we must correct for order by multiplying by 3!. - There are exactly three boys. There will be just P(4,3) choices (since order
The final answer is just the sum of these two, or
G) G)3! +P(4,3) = 6·6·6+ 24 = 240,
which indeed is smaller than the incorrect answer of 288. •
Example 6.2.5 The Hockey Stick Identity. Consider the "hockey stick" outlined in
Pascal's Triangle below.
1 1
1 5 5 1
The sum of the elements in the handle is equal to the element in the blade; i.e.,
1 +2 + 3+ 4 = 10.
This works for any parallel "hockey stick" of any length or location that begins at the
border of the triangle. For example, 1 + 3 + 6 = 10 and 1 + 4 + 10 + 20 = 35 (check
that this one works by writing in the next few rows of the triangle). In general, if we
start at row s and continue until row t, we have
Why is this true?
Solution: Consider a specific example, say 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 = 20. We need to
explain why
(�) +(�) + (�) + (�) = (�).
The simple sum suggests partitioning: Let us look at all three-element subsets (which
we will ca1l3-sets) chosen from a set of six elements, and see if we can break them up
into four "natural" classes.
Write the six-element set as {a,b,c,d,e,f} and follow the natural convention that
subsets are written in alphabetic order. This tactic is a simple and natural way to