The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


Since the right-hand side is a multiple of v, and v shares no factor with un, we must

conclude that v = ±1; i.e., u/v is an integer. _

Now that we understand GCD well, let us finish up an old problem that we started

in Example 2.2.2 on page 28.

Example 7.1. 8 (AIME 19 85) The numbers in the sequence

101 , 104, 10 9,1 16, ...

are of the form an = 100 + n^2 , where n = 1,2,3, .... For each n, let dn be the greatest

common divisor of an and an+ I. Find the maximum value of dn as n ranges through

the positive integers.

Solution: Recall that we considered the sequence an := u + n^2 , where u was fixed,

and after some experimentation discovered that a 2 u, a 2 u+ 1 seemed fruitful, since a 2 u =

u( 4u + 1) and a 2 u+ 1 = (u + 1) (4u + 1). This of course means that 4u + 1 is a common

factor of a 2 u and a 2 u+l. In fact, since consecutive numbers are relatively prime (7. 1. 3 ),

we have

( a 2 u, a 2 u+.) = 4u + (^1).
It remains to show that this is the largest possible GCD. Make the abbreviations
a:=an=u+n^2 , b:=an+I=U+(n +l)^2 , g:=(a,b).

Now we shall explore profitable linear combinations of a and b, with the hope that we

will get 4u + 1. We have

b-a = 2n + 1.

This is nice and simple, but how do we get rid of the n? Since a = u + n^2 , let's build

the n^2 term. We have

and thus

2a -n(b-a) =2u-n.

Doubling this and adding it back to b - a yields

2 (2a - n (b- a)) + (b-a) = 2(2u - n) + (2n+ 1) = 4u + (^1).

In other words, we have produced a linear combination of a and b [specifically, the

combination (3 + 2n)a + (1 - 2n)b] that is equal to 4 u + 1. Thus gl (4u + 1), no matter

what n equals. Since this value has been achieved, we conclude that indeed 4 u + 1 is

the largest possible GCD of consecutive terms. _

Notice that we did not need clairvoyance to construct the linear combination in
one fell swoop. All it took was some patient "massage" moving toward the goal of

eliminating the n.
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