So indeed, ak+ 4 will be a multiple of 5. It seems that we can generate composite num
bers in this sequence if we are careful. Let's try a formal argument by contradiction,
using any given values of a and b.
Assume that the conclusion is false, i.e., that the sequence only contains finitely
many composite numbers. This means that "eventually" the sequence is only primes;
i.e., there exists some M such that an is prime for all n > M. This statement has
"footholds," since prime numbers are often easier to deal with than composite num
bers, and in particular, we have nice tools we can use with them, like Fermat's little
theorem. Now we need to use our experimentation to produce a contradiction that
works for any values of a and b!
Let n > M and let Xn = p, a prime. What happens later in the sequence? We have
xn+l = ap +b,xn+ 2 = a^2 p+ab+b,xn+ 3 = a^3 p+a^2 b+ab+b, etc. In general, for
any k we have
xn+k = akp+b(ak-^1 +ak-^2 + ... + 1 ) = akp+b (
ak - (^1) )
It would be nice if we could show that Xn+k is not a prime for some k. Since p is
already in the picture, let's use it: if we could show that b (
ak - (^1) )
was a mUltiple of
p, we'd be done! Now Fermat's little theorem comes to the rescue: As long as a is not
a multiple of p, we have aP-^1 == 1 (mod p), so if we choose k = P -1, then ak - 1 is
a mUltiple of p. However, we are dividing this by a -I. What if p divides a-I? Then
we'd be in trouble. So we won't worry about that for now! Just assume that p doesn't
divide a-1.
Recapping, if we assume that p divides neither a nor a-I, then Xn+p-l will be a
multiple of p, which is a contradiction. How do we ensure that p satisfies these two
conditions? We are given a; it is fixed. Hence there are only finitely many primes p
that either divide a or divide a - I. But by assumption, for n > M, the values of an are
all primes, and there will be infinitely many primes, since the sequence is increasing.
Since we have infinitely many primes to pick from, just pick one that works! _
Problems and Exercises
7.2.5 Let ar :: br (mod m), with r J.. m. Show that we
can "cancel out" the r from both sides of this congru
ence and conclude that a :: b (mod m). What happens
if (m,r) > I?
7.2.6 Show that if a^2 + b^2 = c^2 • then 3lab.
7.2.7 If.x3 + y^3 = z^3 , show that one of the three must
be a multiple of 7.
7.2.8 Find all prime x such that x^2 + 2 is a prime.
7.2.9 Prove that there are infinitely many positive in
tegers which cannot be represented as a sum of three
perfect cubes.
7.2. 10 Let N be a number with nine distinct non-zero
digits, such that, for each k from I to 9 inclusive, the
first k digits of N form a number that is divisible by k.
Find N (there is only one answer).
7.2. 11 Let f(n) denote the sum of the digits of n.
(a) For any integer n, prove that eventually the se
f(n),f(f(n) ),f(f(f(n))), ...
will become constant. This constant value is