The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


so we can conclude that n > m. That certainly helps. Let's consider one example, with,

say, m = 1, n = 2. Our diophantine equation is now

.x2+i =.x2i·

Factoring quickly establishes that there is no solution, for adding 1 to both sides yields

(.x2 - 1)(i - 1) = 1,

which has no positive integer solutions. But factoring won't work (at least not in an

obvious way) for other cases. For example, let's try m = 3,n = 4. We now have


The first thing to try is parity analysis. A quick perusal of the four cases shows that the

only possibility is that both x and y must be even. So let's write them as x = 2a,y = 2b.

Our equation now becomes, after some simplifying,

(a^2 +b^2 )^3 =4(ab)^4.

Ponder parity once more. Certainly a and b cannot be of opposite parity. But they

cannot both be odd either, for in that case the left-hand side will be the cube of an
even number, which makes it a multiple of 8. However, the right-hand side is equal to

4 times the fourth power of an odd number, a contradiction. Therefore a and b must

both be even. Writing a = 2u, b = 2v transforms our equation into

(u^2 + i)^3 = 16(uv)^4.

Let's try the kind of analysis as before. Once again u and v must have the same

parity, and once again, they cannot both be odd. If they were odd, the right-hand side

would equal 16 times an odd number; in other words, 24 is the highest power of 2 that

divides it. But the left-hand side is the cube of an even number, which means that the

highest power of 2 that divides it will be 23 or 26 or 29 , etc. Once again we have a

contradiction, which forces u, v to both be even, etc.

It appears that we can produce an infinite chain of arguments showing that the

variables can be successively divided by 2, yet still be even! This is an impossibility,

for no finite integer has this property. But let's avoid the murkiness of infinity by using
the extreme principle. Return to equation (7). Let r, s be the greatest exponents of 2

that divide x, y respectively. Then we can write x = 2r a, y = 2s b, where a and b are

odd, and we know that rand s are both positive. There are two cases:

  • Without loss of generality, assume that r < s. Then (7) becomes

( 22 r a (^2) + 2 (^2) Sb^2 )^3 = 2 (^4) r+ (^4) sa (^4) b (^4) ,

and after dividing by 26 r, we get

(a^2 + 2^2 r-^2 sb^2 )^3 = 2^4 s-^2 r a^4 b^4.

Notice that the exponent 4 s - 2r is positive, making the right-hand side even.
But the left-hand side is the cube of an odd number, which is odd. This is an
impossibility; there can be no solutions.
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