This forces Xn -t O. Conversely, if the tenus of a sequence are greater in ab
solute value than the corresponding tenus of a sequence that diverges (has
infinite limit), then the sequence in question also diverges.
- Use Big-Oh and Little-oh Analysis. Most convergence investigations require
estimates and comparisons. The big-and little-oh notations give us a system
atic way to describe growth rates of functions as the variable tends towards
infinity or zero.
We say that f(x) = O(g(x)) ("f is big-Oh g") if there exists a constant C such
that I f(n) 1 ::; qg(n) 1 for all sufficiently large n. We say that f(x) = o(g(x))
if limx--->oof(x)/g(x) = O. For example, f(x) = O(x^3 ) means that, for large
enough x, we can bound f(x) by a cubic. On the other hand, f(x) = o (x^3 )
means that f(x) grows fundamentally slower than a cubic.
We can also use this notation to describe behavior near zero. If we say f (x) =
O(g(x )) "as x -t 0," this means that f(x) is bounded by a constant multiple of
g(x) for sufficiently small, but nonzero values of x. Likewise, we can define
f (x) = o (g(x)) as x -t O.
This notation is useful for two reasons: it allows us to focus on the parts of a
function "that matter." For example, when x is small, it may be very helpful
to know that f(x) = x + O( v'x) as x -t 0, especially if we are comparing it,
say, with another function that is x + O ( V'x) as x -t O. Also, we can do simple
algebra with the "oh" functions. For example, If f(x) = O(xl), then xf(x) =
O (x^3 ), etc.
The next few examples illustrate some of these ideas. In the first example, our
goals are modest-just to find some decent bounds for an infinite sequence. However,
the process is instructive.
Example 9.2.1 Let an = (I + 1/2 )(1 + 1/4 )··· (1 + 1/ 2 n). Find upper and lower
bounds a, b such that a::; nlim an ::; b.
Solution: Define the product
S(x,n) = (1 +x)( 1 +xl) ... (1 +�),
where 0 < x < 1. What we are interested in is the limiting value of S (x,n) as n -t 00,
which we will denote by S(x).
By mUltiplying out but ignoring repeated tenus, it is clear that
since all powers of x will appear in the product (with coefficients of at least I).
To get an inequality going the other direction, we need a more subtle analysis. We
claim that for any integer m, we have