The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1

rules for, 94, 107
division algorithm
for integers, 83, 224, 226
for polynomials, 164
common, 60
number of, 30, 68, 195
of a product, 236
sum of, 235
domain of a function, 145
draw a picture strategy, 64, 75, 25 1, 340
drawing an auxiliary object, see strate-
gies, drawing an auxiliary object
drawing supplies, 256
dyadic rationals, 326

Eastern Europe, xi, 8
edge of graph, see graph theory
ego, 256
elegant solution, 147, 154
elementary symmetric functions, see
functions, symmetric
ellipse, 9, 73
empty set, 143
encoding, 196
Endurance, 23
equilateral triangle, 66, 84, 132
escribed circle, 28 1
essay-proof exam, 7
Euclid, 51
Euclidean algorithm, 228
Euler line, 290
Euler's formula
for ei6, 123, 131
for polyhedra, 25, 37, 93, 108
Euler's inequality, 279
Euler, Leonhard, 140, 247,254,347-349
Eulerian mathematics, 346-349
Eulerian path, 113-1 15
algorithmic construction, 114
exercise, x, 22
defined, I
versus problem, x, 1, 2,4, 15
extension of a side, 267
exterior angle, 259
extreme principle, 21, 42, 62, 73-83,1 12,
225, 228,229, 244

factor theorem, 152, 166, 349
factoring, see algebraic methods
Fermat's Last Theorem, 230
Fermat's little theorem, 232-233, 239
combinatorial proof, 249
induction proof, 234
Fibonacci numbers, 20, 52

definition, 10
divisibility properties, 229
formula, 141
in Pascal's triangle, 10, 24
recurrence relation for, 216
Fisk, S., 55
fixed point, 64, 324, 332, 34 1
floor function, 146
FOIL, 168, 194
forest, III, 113
bijection, 145
continuous, 323
floor and ceiling, 146
generating, 132- 142
graph of, 35
growth rates, 174, 328
indicator, 146, 212
monotonic, 337
multiplicative, 235
number theoretic, 235-240
one-to-one, 145
onto, 145
symmetric, 71
uniformly continuous, 324
fundamental theorem, 336
of algebra, 90, 166
of arithmetic, 223, 354
of calculus, 315 , 345

Gallery problem, 38, 55, 109
Galois theory, 93
Gardner, Martin, 7
Gauss plane, 120
Gauss's lemma, 170, 229
Gauss, Carl, 26, 44, 67
Gaussian pairing tool, 67-69, 250
applications of, 68, 157
GCD, see greatest common divisor
generating functions, 132-142
and partitions, 136-141
and recurrence relations, 134- 135, 218
generatingfunctionology, 138
Geogebra, 256
Geometer, 256
Geometer's Sketchpad, 256
geometric interpretation, see reformulat­
ing a problem; draw a picture strat­
of AM-GM inequality, 178
of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 187
of complex numbers, 120- 126, 128
of differentiation, 328
geometric mean, 177, 178
geometric series, see series, geometric

geometric series tool, 133, 346
geometry problem
characterization, 257
glide reflection, see transformations,
rigid motions, glide reflection
Gnepp, Andrei, 98
Go (board game), 23
golf, 23
graph (graph theory)
as opposed to multigraph, 109
bipartite, 119
connected, III
directed, 115
existence of cycles, 110, III, 113
forest, 111
tree, III
greatest common divisor, 28, 77, 83, 1 19,

Halmos, Paul, 12
Hamiltonian paths and cycles, 115
handshake lemma, III, 118
handshake problem, 2, 75, 109
harmonic series, 161, 162, 173, 328, 348
and symmetry, 63
Herrigel, Eugen, 23
heuristics, 3
hexagon, 66, 91
hockey stick property, 20 1, 205
Holmes, Sherlock, 23, 41
homothety, see
Hong Kong, 80
Hunter, Denise, 15
hypothesis, 4, 26, 40
inductive, 45
need to strengthen, 49

new, 18, 21
stealing, 18
identity principle, 172
imagination, 4


IMO, see International Mathematical
incenter, 266
incircle, 266
construction, 267
existence and uniqueness, 267
indicator function, 146, 212
indistinguishable objects, 189
induction, 45-50
standard, 45-47
strong, 47-50
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