The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


previous one, as follows. For each location in the grid,
examine that square, the square immediately above,
and the square immediately to the right. If there are
two or three grey squares among these three, then in
the next grid, color that location grey; otherwise. color
it white. Prove that after at most n steps all the squares
in the grid will be white.
Below is an example with n = 4. The first grid
shows the initial configuration, and the second grid
shows the configuration after one step.

2.3.36 Prove the conjecture that you made in Prob­
lem 2.2.20.
2.3.37 The Fibonacci sequence II '/ 2 ,13, ... was de­
fined in Example 1.3.18. In the problems below, prove
that each proposition holds for all positive integers 11.
(a) II + 13+ 15 + ... + 1211 - 1 = 1211 '
(b) 12 + 14 + ... + 1211 = 1211 + I -I.

(c) (^1) "<2".

(d) III = � { (I +

2 J5)" -(


- 2 J5),,}.

(e) If M is the matrix [ � ],

Mil = [ 111+^1 /,, ]
/" 1;,- 1
(f) In+t!n-I -!1 = (-1)".
(g) 1,;+ 1 + I'; = hll+ I.


2.3.38 If you did Problem 2.2.17 on page 37. you
probably discovered that if a triangle drawn on the co­
ordinate plane has vertices at lattice points, then


A= 2 B+J-1.

2.4 Other Important Strategies

where A. B and J respectively denote the area, number
of boundary lattice points and number of interior lat­
tice points of this triangle. This is a special case of
Pick's Theorem, which holds for any polygon with
vertices at lattice points (including non-convex poly­
gons). Prove Pick's Theorem with induction. Easy
version: assume that it is true for triangles (i.e., as­
sume the base case is true). Harder version: prove that
it is true for triangles first!
2.3.39 Here are a few questions about Example 2.3.9
on page 48, where we proved that the vertices of any
triangulation can be 3-colored so that no two adjacent
vertices are the same color.
(a) Our proof was "nonconstructive," in that it
showed that the coloring existed, but did not
show how 10 achieve it. Can you come up with a
"constructive" proof; i.e., can you outline a col­
oring algorithm that will work on an arbitrary
(b) On page 49, we raised the question whether
any arbitrary triangulation of a polygon has a
"boundary triangle," i.e.. a triangle that cuts
the original polygon into two, rather than three,
pieces. It sure seems obvious. Prove it.
(c) In the diagram for the triangulation proof, the
"central" triangle split the polygon into two
parts, called L and R. What if the central tri­
angle had split the polygon into three parts?
2.3.40 Consider a 21999 x 21999 square. with a single

I x I square removed. Show that no matter where

the small square is removed. it is possible 10 tile this
"giant square minus tiny square" with ells (see Exam­
ple 1.3.19 on page 10 for another problem involving
tiling by ells).
2.3.4 1 (IMO 1997) An n x n matrix (square array)

whose entries come from the set S = {I. 2, ... , 2n-1 }

is called a silver matrix if, for each i = I ..... n. the ith

row and the ith column IOgether contain all the mem­
bers of S. Show that silver matrices exist for infinitely
many values of 11.

Many strategies can be applied at different stages of a problem, not just the beginning.
Here we focus on just a few powerful ideas. Learn to keep them in the back of your
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