The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


3.1.18 A polynomial in several variables is called
symmetric if it is unchanged when the variables are
permuted. For example,

J(x,y, z) := X^2 + i + Z^2 +xyz
is symmetric, since

J(x,y,z) = J(X,z,y) = J(y,x,Z) = J(y,z,X)
= J(Z,x,y) = J(Z,y,X).
A polynomial in several variables is called homoge­
neous of degree r if all of the terms are degree r. For
example, g(x,y) :=x^2 +5xy is homogeneous of degree

  1. (The 5xy term is considered to have degree 2, since
    it is the product of two degree-! terms.) In general,
    the k-variable polynomial g(XI ,X 2 , ... ,Xk) is homoge­
    neous of degree r if for all t, we have

g(tx 1 ,tx 2 ,··· ,txk) = t' g(XI ,X 2 ,··· ,Xk)·
Given three variables x,y,z, we define the elementary
symmetric functions

SI :=x+y+z,
S 2 :=xy+yz+zx,
S 3 := xyz.

The elementary symmetric function Sk is symmetric,
homogeneous of degree k, and all its coefficients are
equal to I. Elementary symmetric functions can be
defined for any number of variables. For example, for
four variables x,y,z, w, they are

SI :=x+y+z+w,
S 2 :=xy+xz+xw+yz+yw +zw,
S 3 :=xyz+xyw+xzw+yzw,
S 4 :=xyzw.

(a) Verify that
x^2 + i +z^2 = ( x+y+z)^2 -2(xy+yz+zx)
= si -2S 2 ,
where the Si are the elementary symmetric func­
tions in three variables.
(b) Likewise, express x^3 + y^3 + z^3 as a polynomial
in the elementary symmetric functions.
(c) Do the same for (x+y)(x+z)(y+z).
(d) Do the same for xl + yz4 + zx4 + xz^4 + yx4 +

(e) Can any symmetric polynomial in three vari­
ables be written as a polynomial in the elemen­
tary symmetric functions?
(f) Can any polynomial (not necessarily symmet­
ric) in three variables be written as a polynomial
in the elementary symmetric functions?
(g) Generalize to more variables. If you are con­
fused, look at the two-variable case (SI := x +
y, S 2 :=xy).
(h) What is the relationship, if any, between cyclic
sums and elementary symmetric functions?
3.1.19 Consider Example 3.1 .6, the Four Bugs prob­
lem. As the bugs travel, they "turn." For example, if
one bug starts out facing due north, but then gradually
comes to face due west, it will have turned 90°. It may
even be that the bugs turn more than 360°. How much
does each bug turn (in degrees) before they crash into
each other?
3.1.20 Consider the following two-player game. Each
player takes turns placing a penny on the surface of a
rectangular table. No penny can touch a penny that is
already on the table. The table starts out with no pen­
nies. The last player who makes a legal move wins.
Does the first player have a winning strategy?
3.1.21 A billiard ball (of infinitesimal diameter)
strikes ray Be at point e, with angle of incidence a
as shown. The billiard ball continues its path, bounc­
ing off line segments AB and Be according to the
rule "angle of incidence equals angle of reflection." If
AB = Be, determine the number of times the ball will
bounce off the two line segments (including the first
bounce, at e). Your answer will be a function of a and

B c

3.1.22 A projectile is launched from the very center
of the floor of a rectangular room that is 40 feet wide
with a very high ceiling. The projectile hits the wall
at a height exactly 10 feet above the floor, reflects off
this wall (obeying the "angle of incidence equals an­
gle of reflection" rule), hits the opposite wall, and re­
flects again, finally landing back exactly where it was
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