Solution: There are several things to which we can apply extreme arguments.
Since f(x) 20 , we might want to look at the value of x at which f(x) is minimal. First
we need to prove that this value actually exists, i.e., that there is an Xo E lR such that
f(xo) is minimal. [This is not true for all functions, such as f(x) = l/x.] Write
f(x) = anx" +an_ 1 x"-1 + ... +alx+aO,
where each ai E lR. Since f(x) is always non-negative, the leading coefficient an must
be positive, since the leading term an� dominates the value of f(x) when x is a large
positive or negative number. Moreover, we know that n is even. So we know that
lim f(x) = lim f(x) = +00,
x---+-oo x---++oo
and consequently, f(x) has a minimum value. Notice that g(x) has the same leading
term as f(x) so g(x) also has a minimum value. Indeed, g(x) is what we will focus
our attention on. We wish to show that this polynomial is always non-negative, so
a promising strategy is contradiction. Assume that g(x) < 0 for some values of x.
Consider its minimum value, achieved when x = Xo. Then g(xo) < O. Now, what is the
relationship between g(x) and f(x)? Since f(x) is nth degree, r+^1 (x) = 0 and
g'(x) = J'(x) + f"(x) + ... + f(n) (x) = g(x) - f(x).
g'(xo) = g(xo) - f(xo) < 0,
since g(xo) is strictly negative and f(xo) is non-negative by hypothesis. But this con
tradicts the fact that g(x) achieves its minimum value atxo, for then g'(xo) should equal
zero! _
In the next example, Gaussian pairing plus monotonization help solve a rather
difficult problem, from the 1994 IMO in Hong Kong.
Example 3.2.6 Let m and n be positive integers. Let al ,a2, ... ,am be distinct elements
of {I, 2, ... ,n} such that whenever ai + a j � n for some i, j, 1 � i � j � m, there exists
k, 1 � k � m, with ai +aj = ak. Prove that
al + a2 + ... + am n + I
m 2 - 2
- ·
Solution: This is not an easy problem. Part of the difficulty is figuring out the
statement of the problem! Let us call those sequences that have the property described
in the problem "good" sequences. In other words, a good sequence is a sequence