Atomic Habits
choices at the end of each month or year to see where they were correct and where they went wrong. Improvement is not just about ...
become the type of person I wish to be. They indicate when I should upgrade my habits and take on new challenges and when I shou ...
Graham, “keep your identity small.” The more you let a single belief define you, the less capable you are of adapting when life ...
Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. ...
T Conclusion The Secret to Results That Last HERE IS AN ancient Greek parable known as the Sorites Paradox,* which talks about t ...
Over the course of this book, we’ve looked at dozens of stories about top performers. We’ve heard about Olympic gold medalists, ...
This is a continuous process. There is no finish line. There is no permanent solution. Whenever you’re looking to improve, you c ...
Appendix ...
T What Should You Read Next? HANK YOU SO much for taking the time to read this book. It has been a pleasure sharing my work with ...
I Little Lessons from the Four Laws N THIS BOOK, I have introduced a four-step model for human behavior: cue, craving, response, ...
or satisfaction), but about the lack of desire. It arrives when you have no urge to feel differently. Happiness is the state you ...
damage to emotional centers of the brain can list many reasons for taking action but still will not act because they do not have ...
Reward is on the other side of sacrifice. Response (sacrifice of energy) always precedes reward (the collection of resources). T ...
experiencing little pleasure over it. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized how absurd it was that I wasn’t celebrati ...
O How to Apply These Ideas to Business VER THE YEARS, I’ve spoken at Fortune 500 companies and growing start-ups about how to ap ...
O How to Apply These Ideas to Parenting NE OF THE most common questions I hear from readers is something along the lines of, “Ho ...
I Acknowledgments HAVE RELIED HEAVILY on others during the creation of this book. Before anyone else, I must thank my wife, Kris ...
ugly and insanely long first drafts into a tight, readable manuscript. And I am thankful to Anne Barngrover for her ability to a ...
I Notes N THIS SECTION, I have included a detailed list of notes, references, and citations for each chapter in the book. I trus ...
“The whole principle came from the idea”: Matt Slater, “Olympics Cycling: Marginal Gains Underpin Team GB Dominance,” BBC, Augus ...
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