Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

23.8 Other Types of Spectroscopy 997

which leads to a spectrum of equally spaced lines with a spacing in terms of
reciprocal wavelength equal to 2 ̃Be. Molecules with no permanent dipole moment give
no microwave spectrum. The microwave spectra of nonlinear polyatomic molecules
are more complicated but the presence of a permanent dipole moment is required for
a microwave spectrum to occur.
Transitions between vibrational levels lead to spectra in the infrared region. For
diatomic molecules with permanent dipole moments, the selection rule is

∆v± 1

leading to a “fundamental” band centered at a reciprocal wavelength equal to ̃νe. Since
the selection rule is only an approximation, “overtone” bands at multiples of this recip-
rocal wavelength also occur.
The infrared spectra of polyatomic molecules contain one fundamental band for
each normal mode whose motion modulates the dipole moment of the molecule. Nor-
mal modes that do not modulate the dipole moment of the molecule are not seen in
the infrared spectrum. Overtone bands occur as with diatomic molecules, along with
combination bands, which are produced when two normal modes make simultaneous
Atomic and molecular spectra in the visible and ultraviolet regions arise from tran-
sitions from one electronic state to another. Vibrational and rotational transitions occur
simultaneously with the electronic transitions, producing complicated band spectra.
The electronic transitions take place rapidly compared with rotational and vibrational
periods, and conform to the Franck–Condon principle: The nuclei remain stationary
during the transition.
Raman spectroscopy involves inelastic scattering of light instead of absorption
or emission. The selection rules for Raman transitions are different from those of
absorption and emission spectroscopy, so that many transitions that are forbidden in
absorption and emission occur in Raman scattering. Raman scattering requires that the
motion modulate the polarizability of the molecule. For rotational Raman transitions
in diatomic and linear polyatomic molecules

∆J0,± 2

which leads to a rotational Raman spectrum with lines whose reciprocal wavelengths
have equal spacing of 4 ̃Bebetween them.
Almost every diatomic molecule has a vibrational Raman spectrum. The vibrational
selection rule for diatomic molecules is

∆v± 1

A nonlinear polyatomic molecule will exhibit a rotational Raman spectrum only if it
has different values of polarizability in different directions. Most molecules exhibit a
rotational Raman spectrum, except for highly symmetric molecules such as spherical
A normal mode must modulate the polarizability to be seen in the vibrational Raman
spectrum. The “rule of exclusion” states that in a molecule with a center of symmetry,
those normal modes not seen in the infrared spectrum will be seen in the Raman
spectrum, and those seen in the infrared spectrum will not be seen in the Raman
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