Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

24.1 Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Dipoles 1003

b.What is the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field at a location 0.100 m due west of
the wire?

If a particle of chargeQis moving with velocityvthrough a magnetic fieldB, there
is a force on the particle given by

FQv×B (24.1-4)

where×stands for the vector product (cross product) of the two vectors, which
is discussed in Appendix B. There is a screw-thread rule for the cross product. If
the vector on the left is rotated through an angle no greater than 180◦to point in
the direction of the second vector, the cross product points in the direction that a
right-handed screw would move. The force on a positive charge is in this direction.
The force on a negative charge is in the opposite direction.


If an electron (Q−e− 1. 602 × 10 −^19 C) is located due east of the wire in
Example 24.1 at a distance of 0.050 m from the wire and is moving east at a speed of
145ms−^1 , find the direction and the magnitude of the force on the electron direction.
From Eq. (B.3-38) in Appendix B and the fact thatvandBare perpendicular to each other,

(− 1. 602 × 10 −^19 C)(145 m s−^1 )(6. 0 × 10 −^5 T)
(− 1. 602 × 10 −^19 C)(145 m s−^1 )(6. 0 × 10 −^5 NsC−^1 m−^1 )
 1 .39 N

where we have deduced the fact that the tesla unit must be equivalent to N s C−^1 m−^1 ,or
NA−^1 m−^1 ,orkgs−^1 C−^1. The direction of the force is downward by the screw-thread

Exercise 24.2
a.If an electron (Q−e− 1. 602 × 10 −^19 C) is located due east of the wire in Exercise 24.1
at a distance of 0.050 m from the wire and is moving north at a speed of 145 m s−^1 , find the
direction and the magnitude of the force on the electron.
b.If the electron is in the position of part a but is moving directly toward the wire, find the
direction and the magnitude of the force on the electron.

Magnetic Dipoles

Magnetic dipoles are like bar magnets or compass needles with a “north-seeking” pole
at one end and a “south-seeking” pole at the other. A magnetic field applies a torque
(turning force) on a magnetic dipole, much as an electric field applies a torque to an
electric dipole. An electric dipole can be made up of a positive and a negative charge
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