Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

24.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 1021

Impurity and Solvent Effects

If a substance contains impurities or if it is dissolved in a solvent, its proton NMR
spectrum can be different from that of the pure substance. Figure 24.6a shows the
proton NMR spectrum of ethanol containing a trace of water. Figure 24.6b shows the
spectrum of carefully purified ethanol, and Figure 24.6c shows the spectrum of a dilute
solution of ethanol in deuterated chloroform. We first consider the chemical shifts. In
all three spectra the –CH 3 protons have aδvalue near 1 ppm, as expected, since they
are most distant from the electronegative O atom. The –CH 2 – protons have aδvalue
between 3 and 4, because they are closer to the O atom than the –CH 3 protons. In the
first spectrum, the spectral line of the –OH proton is atδ 4 .8 ppm and in the second
spectrum this peak is atδ 5 .3 ppm. This is reasonable, because this proton is bonded
to an electronegative O atom. However, in the solution with deuterated chloroform
this spectral line is atδ 2 .3 ppm. Ethanol molecules form hydrogen bonds with other
ethanol molecules or with water molecules. When a hydrogen bond forms, the proton
is attracted to the other molecule and is at a greater distance from the oxygen nucleus.
It lies in a region of lower electron density and gives a spectral line at a greater value
ofδ. In the solution in deuterated chloroform, the ethanol molecules are distant from
each other and cannot form hydrogen bonds. In the absence of hydrogen bonding the
O–H bond distance, approximately 96 pm, is so small that the proton is imbedded
in the electrons close to the oxygen and is more highly shielded, giving a smaller
value ofδ.

3 2 1 0

6 5 4

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

/ ppm



CH 3

Figure 24.6 The Proton NMR Spec-
trum of Ethanol.(a) With a trace of
water present. Because of exchange of
the hydroxyl proton with water protons,
the hydroxyl proton shows no spin–
spin splitting. From G. W. Castellan,
Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Addison-
Wesley, Reading, MA, 1983, p. 606.
(b) Highly purified ethanol. In the
absence of water, the spin–spin split-
ting of the line from the hydroxyl proton
is split into three lines by the methylene
protons. From I. N. Levine,Molecular
Spectroscopy, Wiley, New York, 1975,
p. 353. (c) In deuterated chloroform. In
this spectrum, the solvent interaction
with chloroform moves the hydroxyl
line to near 2.6 ppm. The splitting into
three lines is not quite resolved. From
C. J. Pouchert and J. R. Campbell,
The Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra,
The Aldrich Chemical Co., 1974, Vol. I,
p. 79.

We now consider the spin–spin splitting. As expected the –CH 3 protons produce
a triplet in all three spectra because of the splitting due to the –CH 2 – protons. In the
spectrum of the carefully purified ethanol the line of the –OH proton exhibits spin–
spin splitting, being split into three lines by the two protons of the –CH 2 – group. The
–CH 2 – protons produce a set of eight lines (not all completely resolved) from the
four lines because of the –CH 3 protons, each of which is split into two lines by the
–OH proton. In the solution spectrum this splitting is also present although poorly
resolved. In the presence of a trace of water there is no spin–spin splitting in the
–OH proton line. This is attributed to exchange of the proton with protons on water
molecules. If the average time for this exchange process is shorter than the period of
oscillation of the NMR radiation, the proton NMR spectrum will be an average of
the spectrum of the proton that is leaving and the proton that is arriving, and these
protons have equal probabilities of being spin up and spin down. An average line
with no spin–spin splitting is observed for the –OH proton and the –CH 2 – protons
produce only the quartet expected from the splitting by the three protons on the –CH 3

Saturation of a Signal

The difference in energy between the two states of protons in a typical magnetic field is
much smaller thankBT, so that the populations of the two states are nearly equal. If the
populations are exactly equal, there would be no signal, because the stimulated emission
and the absorption would cancel each other. It is possible with a strong signal to produce
enough transitions to equalize the populations and cause the signal to disappear (this is
called “saturating” the signal). In certain kinds of experiments, the effect of a spin–spin
coupling can be removed by equalizing the populations of some nuclei (this is called
spin decoupling).
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