Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

24.5 Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy 1029

Example 24.17). In order to describe the COSY experiment we need to envision
a Cartesian coordinate system that is rotating counterclockwise around thezaxis at the
reference frequency. The magnetic moment of an unshielded proton would be station-
ary in this rotating coordinate system. The vector sum of the proton magnetic moments
of all protons is denoted byM, as before. Before the first pulseMis parallel to thez
axis. The first 90◦pulse rotatesMonto the positiveyaxis, just as in the simple NMR
experiment and the spin–echo experiment.



x MB


Figure 24.11 (a) The Magnetization
Contributions MAand MBin the Rotat-








Figure 24.11 (b) The Magnetization
Contributions MA and MB in the
Rotating Coordinate System Repre-
sented by TheirxandyComponents.

We first consider a substance that has two uncoupled protons, A and B, that have
different chemical shifts (different shielding constants). We letMAbe the contribution
toMof the A protons in all of the molecules of the sample and letMBbe the contribution
toMof all of the B protons. Because of their different shielding constants,MAandMB
precess at slightly slower rates than an unshielded proton, and lag behind the rotation of
the coordinate system. They therefore move clockwise in thex−yplane of the rotating
coordinate system. We assume that proton B has a larger shielding constant than proton
A, so it lags farther behind the rotating coordinate system than does proton A and moves
through a greater angle in the rotating coordinate system, as shown in Figure 24.11a.
We can expressMAandMBin terms of theirxandycomponents since they now lie
in thexyplane.

MAiMAx+jMAy (24.5-3)


MBiMBx+jMBy (24.5-4)

whereiis the unit vector in thexdirection andjis the unit vector in theydirection.
The components are also depicted in Figure 24.11b. At timet 1 a second 90◦pulse is
applied. We can find the effect of this pulse by considering thexandycomponents of
the magnetization separately. The pulse has no effect on thexcomponents, and rotates
theycomponents clockwise onto the negativezaxis, where they are not sensed by the
detecting coil, which senses only magnetization in thex−yplane. Thexcomponents
MAxandMAyat the time of the second pulse (tt 1 ) are:

MAx(t 1 )MA(0)sin(2πνAt 1 ) (24.5-5)


MBx(t 1 )MB(0)sin(2πνBt 1 ) (24.5-6)

whereMA(0) is the magnitude ofMAat the end of the first pulse. The precession
frequency of proton A is denoted byνA, and that for proton B is denoted byνB. These
xcomponents are the only magnetization vectors that remain in thex−yplane after
the second pulse. They continue to precess after the second pulse and produce the
FID signal that is recorded as a function oft 2 , the time that elapses after the second
pulse.The FID is crudely depicted in Figure 24.10 along with the pulses.
The strength of the signal is determined byMAx(t 1 ) andMBx(t 1 ), the value of thex
components at the time of the second pulse. If the value oft 1 is such that sin(2πνBt 1 )
is equal to zero or has a small value, proton B will make little or no contribution to the
FID signal that is detected after the second pulse. Similarly, if the value oft 1 is such
that sin(2πνAt 1 ) is equal to zero or has a small value, there will be little or no signal
detected from proton A. The signals from proton A and proton B have effectively been
separated from each other, occurring at different values oft 1. This dependence ont 1 is
the reason that the method is calledcorrelation spectroscopy.
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