Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1040 25 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. The Probability Distribution for Molecular States

25.1 The Quantum Statistical Mechanics of

a Simple Model System
In Part III of this textbook, we discussed the quantum-mechanical states of single
atoms and molecules. We now focus on systems containing many molecules. There
are two principal types of states that we need to discuss: (1) the mechanical states
(microscopic statesormicrostates) of the entire system, and (2) the thermodynamic
states (macroscopic statesormacrostates) of the system.
Macroscopic states involve variables that pertain to the entire system, such as the
pressureP, the temperatureT, and the volumeV. For a fluid system of one substance
and one phase, the equilibrium macrostate is specified by only three variables, such as
P,T, andV. If we assume that classical mechanics is an adequate approximation, the
microstate of such a system is specified by the position and velocity of every particle
in the system. If quantum mechanics must be used for a dilute gas, there are several
quantum numbers required to specify the state of each molecule in the system. This
is a very large number of independent variables or a very large number of quantum
numbers. Statistical mechanics is the theory that relates the small amount of information
in the macrostates and the large amount of information in the microstates.

A Simple Model System

In order to introduce the principles of statistical mechanics we discuss amodel system,
which means a nonexistent system that is simpler to analyze than a real system. Our
model system consists of four harmonic oscillators, all with the same frequencyν.
The harmonic oscillators in the model system can be distinguished from each other
and do not exert forces on each other. This is of course not a large system contain-
ing many molecules, but will serve to introduce some of the concepts of statistical
The Hamiltonian operator of the system is a sum of four harmonic oscillator

Ĥsystem(1,2,3,4)Ĥ(1)+̂H(2)+Ĥ(3)+Ĥ(4) (25.1-1)

Ĥ(1) is the Hamiltonian operator of harmonic oscillator number 1, and so forth, as
shown in Eq. (15.4-1). The numbers in the parentheses are abbreviations forx 1 ,x 2 ,
x 3 , andx 4 , the coordinates of the four oscillators. There are no terms involving two
or more coordinates in the same term because the oscillators do not interact with each
The Hamiltonian operator in Eq. (25.1-1) corresponds to a time-independent
Schrödinger equation that can be solved by separation of variables, using a trial solu-

Ψ(1,2,3,4)ψ 1 (1)ψ 2 (2)ψ 3 (3)ψ 4 (4) (25.1-2)

When the solution is carried out, the factorsψ 1 (1),ψ 2 (2),ψ 3 (3), andψ 4 (4) are harmonic
oscillator energy eigenfunctions with quantum numbersν 1 ,ν 2 ,ν 3 , andν 4. Since the
oscillators are distinguishable from each other, the system wave function does not have
to be symmetrized or antisymmetrized, and there are no restrictions on the values of the
quantum numbers. The system energy eigenvalues corresponding to Eq. (25.1-2) are

Eεν 1 +εν 2 +εν 3 +εν 4 (25.1-3)
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