Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1062 25 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. The Probability Distribution for Molecular States

The probability distribution of Eq. (25.3-23) is the same as theBoltzmann probability
distributionof Eq. (22.5-2). It has the following general characteristics: (1) At a finite
temperature the equilibrium probability of a molecular state decreases exponentially
as a function of the molecular energy. States with energy much larger thankBTare
not significantly populated. (2) In the limit of zero temperature, only the lowest-energy
level is occupied. (3) If the temperature is increased, the probabilities of states of high
energy increase. (4) In the limit of infinite temperature, all molecular states are equally


Consider two states with an energy difference of 1.00 eV. Find the ratio of their probabilities
at (a) 298.15 K; (b) 1000.0 K; and (c) 10000.0 K.



(1.00 eV)(1. 6022 × 10 −^19 JEv−^1 )
(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(298.15 K)

 1. 25 × 10 −^17



(1.00 eV)(1. 6022 × 10 −^19 JEv−^1 )
(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(1000.0K)

 9. 13 × 10 −^6



(1.00 eV)(1. 6022 × 10 −^19 JEv−^1 )
(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(10000.0K)

 0. 313

Our probability distribution is valid for equilibrium macroscopic states. Nonequi-
librium system states can occur in which a molecular state of high energy has a higher
population than a state of low energy. This situation is achieved in lasers. A distribution
with a larger population for a state of higher energy is said to correspond to a negative
temperature. Smaller values of the reciprocal temperature correspond to larger values of
the temperature. As a positive temperature approaches very large values, the reciprocal
temperature approaches zero. If the reciprocal temperature can pass through zero and
become negative, this must correspond to being “hotter” than any positive reciprocal
temperature. Negative temperatures pertain to nonequilibrium systems and cannot be
identified with the thermodynamic temperature, which is an equilibrium concept and
must be positive.

Exercise 25.15
In a certain laser, the population of a state of energy 2.08 eV is 50% larger than the population
of a state of energy zero. Find the negative temperature corresponding to this situation.

We can rewrite the expression for the thermodynamic energy shown in Eq. (25.3-7)
in terms ofT, using the chain rule (see Appendix B):















(any dilute gas) (25.3-26)
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