Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

25.4 The Calculation of Molecular Partition Functions 1077

Summary of the Chapter

The properties of macroscopic systems are determined by the behavior of molecules
making up the system. Through statistical mechanics we can in principle calculate these
properties from molecular properties.
The two principal postulates of statistical mechanics are: (1) Observed macroscopic
properties of a system held at a fixed energy can be equated to an average over system
mechanical states corresponding to that energy. (2) All system states of the same energy
are given equal weight in this average.
For a dilute gas, we can average over molecular states with a molecular probability
distribution. The most probable distribution was found as an approximation to the
average distribution. It is the Boltzmann distribution





wherepjis the probability that a randomly selected molecule would be found in
molecule energy levelj, of degeneracygj, and energyj. The quantityzis the molecular
partition function. It can be written as a sum over levels,




and can also be written as a sum over states, in which case the sum is the same except
for the absence of the degeneracygj.
For atomic gases, to an excellent approximation


and for diatomic or polyatomic gases, to a good approximation,


All factors except for the electronic partition function can be expressed with general
formulas. The electronic partition function must be summed up term by term, but can
often be approximated by a single term.


25.41a.Show that the values ofWin Table 25.1 are equal to
N 0 !N 1 !N 2 !N 3 !N 4 !, whereN^0 is the number of times 0
appears in the list of quantum numbers,N 1 is the
number of times 1 appears in the list, etc. Remember
that 0! is defined to equal 1.
b.Find the value ofΩfor the example system of four
oscillators if the system energy equals 5hν.
c.Find the value ofΩfor the example system
of four oscillators if the system energy equals 3hν.

25.42For a gas of diatomic molecules:
a.What is the effect on the translational partition
function if the Kelvin temperature is doubled at
constant volume?
b.What is the effect on the translational partition
function if the Kelvin temperature is doubled at
constant pressure?
c.What is the effect on the rotational partition function if
the Kelvin temperature is doubled at constant volume?
At constant pressure?
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