Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
26.4 The Activated Complex Theory of Bimolecular Chemical Reaction Rates in Dilute Gases 1109

pass over the saddle and the time required for the passage are used to calculate a rate

The Activated Complex Theory (Transition State Theory)

Americanphysical chemist who made
theoretical physical chemistry.

Michael Polanyi,1891–1976,wasa
Hungarian-bornchemist who was
originally trainedasaphysician,and
who laterbecameaprofessorof social

Rather than calculating trajectories, one can use statistical mechanics in an approxi-
mate form. The oldest such approximate theory was pioneered in the 1930s by Eyring
and Polanyi, and is called theactivated complex theory, or thetransition-state
We illustrate the activated complex theory for the gas-phase bimolecular reaction
of Eq. (26.4-4). We begin with the following assumptions:

  1. The activated complex CDF‡can be identified as a distinct chemical species.

  2. The concentration of the activated complex can be obtained by assuming that it is
    in chemical equilibrium with the reactants.

  3. The rate of the chemical reaction is equal to the concentration of the activated
    complex timesνpassage, the frequency of passage of an activated complex over the
    maximum in the potential energy:

Rateνpassage[CDF‡] (26.4-6)

In most reactions there is clearly too little time for the activated complex to come to
chemical equilibrium with the reactants, so the second assumption is questionable. In
spite of this fact the theory is more successful than one might expect.
The formation of the activated complex corresponds to the chemical equation

CD+FCDF‡ (26.4-7)

and its equilibrium constant is given by Eq. (26.3-20):




0 /kBT


where∆ε‡ 0 is the energy required to form one activated complex in its ground state
from one CD molecule and one F atom in their ground states. It is equal to the height
of the maximum in Figure 26.1c above the energy of the reactants, plus the difference
in the zero-point vibrational energies.








Figure 26.2 A Contour Plot for
the Potential Energy of Nuclear
Motion for a Stable Triatomic

The vibrations of the activated complex resemble those of an ordinary triatomic
molecule except for the asymmetric stretch. A stable linear triatomic molecule GHI
would have a potential energy surface as shown by the contours of equal potential
energy in Figure 26.2, with a relative minimum at pointbinstead of a saddle point.
It has four normal modes: two bends, a symmetric stretch, and an asymmetric stretch.
Motion along the path labeledabccorresponds to the asymmetric stretch, and motion
along the path labeledgbhcorresponds to the symmetric stretch. The activated complex
has three vibrational modes: two bends and a symmetric stretch, which is like that of
GHI because the saddle in the potential energy surface corresponds to a minimum
in thegbhdirection. The asymmetric stretch of the activated complex corresponds to

(^6) R. N. Porter,Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 25 , 317 (1974).
(^7) H. Eyring,J. Chem. Phys., 3 , 107 (1935); M. Evans and M. Polanyi,Trans. Faraday Soc., 312 , 875
(1935). See K. J. Laidler and M. C. King,J. Phys. Chem., 87 , 2657 (1983) for a history of the theory.

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