Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1116 26 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. II. Statistical Thermodynamics

calculated with the London–Eyring–Polanyi–Sato
(LEPS) method. For the reaction

H+HF→H+F 2

Their value of∆ε‡ 0 is 9. 0 × 10 −^21 J, from a barrier height
of 9. 3 × 10 −^21 J. They give the following values for the
activated complex at 298 K:z′rot‡ 111 .25,
z′vib‡ (1.00)(1.199)^2 (for the symmetric stretch and the
two degenerate bends). Find the value of the rate constant
at 298 K. Compare your value with that from the
experimental Arrhenius activation energy,9kJmol−^1 ,
and the Arrhenius preexponential factor,
6. 3 × 107 m^3 mol−^1 s−^1. What is an explanation for the
difference between the theoretical and experimental

26.33Calculate the rate constant for the reaction of Example
26.12 at 550.0 K. Determine the Arrhenius activation
energy and compare it with the value of∆ε‡ 0.
26.34Calculate the forward rate constant at 300 K and at
1000 K for the reaction

H+H 2 →H 2 +H

using the activated complex theory. Assume a linear
activated complex with all vibrational partition functions
equal to unity. The intermolecular distance of hydrogen is
0. 741 × 10 −^10 m. For the activated complex take each
bond as 0. 942 × 10 −^10 m. Take the value of∆ε‡ 0 as
6. 8 × 10 −^20 J. What is the value of the equilibrium
constant for this reaction? What is the value of the rate
constant for the reverse reaction?

26.5 Miscellaneous Topics in Statistical

We close this chapter with three topics that help in interpreting the statistical mechanics
of dilute gases.

A Different Expression for the Probability Distribution

Now that we have the expression for the chemical potential in terms of the molecular
partition function, we can write Eq. (26.1-27) in the form

eμ/kBT (26.5-1)

This equation gives an expression for the Lagrange multiplier,α, in Eq. (25.2-23):

αμ/kBT (26.5-2)

The equation for the molecular probability distribution for a dilute gas can now be
written in the form



gjeμ/kBTe−εj/kBTgje(μ−εj)/kBT (26.5-3)

The parametersαandβhave the same meaning in all cases. If the dilute occupa-
tion approximation cannot be used, Eqs. (25.2-26) and (25.2-29) can be rewritten for
noninteracting fermions and bosons:


1 +e(μ−εj)/kBT

(fermions) (26.5-4)


1 −e(μ−εj)/kBT

(bosons) (26.5-5)
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