Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
1170 28 The Structure of Solids, Liquids, and Polymers

the upper limit of the integral can be extended to infinity without serious error. The
integral is then equal toπ^4 /15, and for small values of the temperature

UU 0 +

3 π^4 NkBT^4
5 Θ^3 D


For small values of the temperature, the heat capacity is


12 π^4



In electrical conductors, there is also a contribution to the heat capacity from the
electronic motion (see Section 28.3). Heat capacities are hard to measure at low tem-
peratures, and data for temperatures below 15 K are hard to find. Equation (28.2-29) is
commonly used as a substitute for experimental data between 0 K and 15 K. Modifica-
tions to the Debye theory have been devised that use a temperature-dependent Debye
temperature and give improved agreement with experiment.^4

Exercise 28.7
Verify Eq. (28.2-28).


Section 28.2: Crystal Vibrations

28.15The formulas for the thermodynamic functions of an
Einstein crystal can also be derived by slightly modifying
the approach of Chapter 25, recognizing that the normal
modes of vibration are distinguishable from each other.
Carry out this analysis.

28.16The value ofΘEthat fits the Einstein crystal model
heat-capacity formula to data for aluminum is 240 K.

a.What is the vibrational frequency corresponding to
this value of the parameter?

b.Draw a graph of the heat capacity of aluminum from
0 K to 300 K, according to the Einstein model.

c.At what temperature does the prediction of the
Einstein model for the heat capacity of aluminum
come within 5.00% of the law of Dulong and Petit?

At what temperature does it come within 1.00% of the
law of Dulong and Petit?

28.17The value ofΘEthat fits the Einstein crystal model
heat-capacity formula to data for diamond is 1320 K.
a.What is the vibrational frequency corresponding to
this value of the parameter?
b.Construct an accurate graph of the heat capacity of
diamond from 0 K to 300 K, according to the Einstein

c.At what temperature does the prediction of the
Einstein model for the heat capacity of diamond come
within 5.00% of the law of Dulong and Petit? At what
temperature does it come within 1.00% of the law of
Dulong and Petit?
28.18a.Express the thermodynamic functions of an Einstein
crystal in terms of the Einstein temperature.

(^4) See J. S. Blakemore,Solid State Physics, 2nd ed., W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1974, p. 128ff.

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