Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1190 28 The Structure of Solids, Liquids, and Polymers

On the average, there will be a slightly smaller concentration of component 2 above the
vacancy than below. The rate at which molecules move into the vacancy from below
is equal to

Ratebkc 2 (z′−a) (28.6-3)

whereais an averagezcomponent of the displacement into the vacancy, and where
c 2 (z′−a) is the concentration of component 2 evaluated atz′−a. The proportionality
constantkis analogous to a rate constant and we assume that it is given by Eq. (28.6-2).
The rate at which molecules move into the vacancy from above is equal to

Rateakc 2 (z′+a) (28.6-4)

We assume that the molecules coming from above on the average have the same rate
constant as those coming from below.
The net contribution to the diffusion flux is

J 2 zk[c 2 (z′−a)−c 2 (z′+a)]a (28.6-5)

Let us representc 2 (z′+a) as a Taylor series around the pointz′−a:

c 2 (z′+a)c 2 (z′−a)+

∂c 2


( 2 a)+ ··· (28.6-6)

where the subscript indicates that the derivative is evaluated atzz′−a. If we neglect
the terms not shown in Eq. (28.6-6), Eq. (28.6-5) becomes

J 2 z−



2 a^2





∂c 2



Comparison with Fick’s law, Eq. (28.6-2), gives an expression for the diffusion coef-

D 2  2 a^2





Many liquids with molecules of ordinary size have diffusion coefficients approximately equal
to 10−^9 m^2 s−^1. Assume thatais equal to 1× 10 −^10 m and estimate the value of∆G‡◦for
T300 K.



D 2 h
2 a^2 kBT


−(8.3JK−^1 mol−^1 )(300 K)ln

(10−^9 m^2 s−^1 )(6. 6 × 10 −^34 Js)
2(10−^10 m)^2 (1. 4 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(300 K)


 1 × 104 J mol−^1 10 kJ mol−^1
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