Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

A Tables of Numerical Data 1229

Table A.16 Thermal Conductivities

Substance Temperature/◦C κ/Js−^1 m−^1 K−^1

Air, 1 atm 20 0. 02353
Argon, 1 atm 20 0. 01625
Carbon dioxide, 1 atm 20 0. 01409
Helium, 1 atm 20 0. 13954
Benzene 22. 50. 1582
Carbon tetrachloride 20 0. 1033
Octane 30 0. 1451
Water 27 0. 6092
Aluminum 25 237
Iron 25 80. 4

From R. C. Weast, ed.,Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 64th ed., CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1983, pp. E2–E15.

Table A.17 Diffusion Coefficients for Dilute Solutes in Liquid Solu-

Solute Solvent Temperature/◦C D× 109 /m^2 s−^1

Acetylene water 0 1. 10
α-alanine water 25 0. 91
Carbon dioxide n-pentanol 25 1. 91
Ethane n-heptane 30 5. 60
Glucose water 25 0. 673
Glycine water 25 1. 064
Potassium chloride water 25 1. 917
Sodium chloride water 25 1. 545
Sucrose water 25 0. 5226

From R. C. Weast, ed.,Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 64th ed., CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 1983, pp. F45–F46.
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