Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

B Some Useful Mathematics 1241






∫ 2 π


f(r,θ,φ)r^2 sin(θ)dφdθdr (B-27)

Since the limits are constants, this integral is carried out in the same way as that of
Eq. (B-24), with theφintegration done first and theθintegration done next.
For other coordinate systems, a factor analogous to the factorr^2 sin(θ) must be used.
This factor is called aJacobian. For example, for cylindrical polar coordinates, where
the coordinates arez,φ(the same angle as in spherical polar coordinates, andρ(the
projection ofrinto thexyplane), the Jacobian is the factorρ, so that the element of
volume isρdρdzdφ. We use the symbold^3 rfor the three-dimensional volume element
in any coordinate system, so thatdxdydz,r^2 sin(θ)dφdθdr,ρdφdρdz, and so on are all
denoted byd^3 r.

B.3 Vectors

A vector is a quantity with both magnitude and direction. The vectorAcan be repre-
sented by its Cartesian components,Ax,Ay, andAz:

AiAx+jAy+kAz (B-28)

wherei,j, andkare unit vectors that point in thex,y, andzdirections, respectively,
andAx,Ay, andAzare the Cartesian components of the vector. The product of the unit
vectoriand the scalarAxis a vector of lengthAxpointing in the positivexdirection if
Axis positive and in the negativexdirection ifAxis negative. The other two products
in Eq. (B-28) are analogous. The sum of two vectors can be obtained by moving the
second vector so that its tail coincides with the head of the first vector without rotating
it or changing its length. The sum vector is then drawn from the tail of the first vector
to the head of the second. Figure B.5 indicates how the three vectors in thex,y, andz
directions add in the case that all three components are positive. The sum ofiAxand
jAylies in thexyplane and thekAzvector is added to it by bringing its tail to the head
of the first sum and constructing the final sum as shown.
The sum of two arbitrary vectors is obtained in the same way. IfA+BC, then
Cis obtained by moving the tail ofBto the head ofAand drawingCfrom the tail
ofAto the head ofB. The sum vector is then drawn from the tail of the first vector
to the head of the second. Figure B.6 shows the sumA+BC. Vector addition is
commutative, so thatA+BB+A, as shown in the figure. The vector sum is also
obtained by adding the components. IfA+BC, then



Thedot productorscalar productof two vectors is a scalar quantity equal to the
product of the magnitudes of the two vectors times the cosine of the angle between

A·B|A||B|cos(α)ABcos(α) (B-30)

whereαis the angle between the vectors and where the magnitude of the vectorsAand
Bare denoted either by|A|and|B|or byAandB. The scalar product is commutative:

A·BB·A (B-31)
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