Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1268 E Classical Mechanics

If the forces on the particles of a system depend only on the particles’ positions,
these forces can be derived from a potential energy. Consider motion in thezdirection.
Ifz′andz′′are two values ofz, the difference in the potential energyVbetween these
two locations is defined to equal the reversible work done on the system by an external
agent to move the particle fromz′toz′′.

∆V V(z′′)−V(z′)

∫z 2

z 1

Fext(rev)(z)dz (E-3)

Since only the difference in potential energy is defined in Eq. (E-3), we have the option
of deciding at what state of the system we want to set the potential energy equal zero.
We accomplish this by adding an appropriate constant to a formula for the potential
The external force Fext(rev)must exactly balance the force due to the other particles
in order for the process to be reversible:

Fext(rev)(z)−Fz (E-4)

By the principles of calculus, the integrand in Eq. (E-3) is equal to the derivative of the
functionV, so that




In the case of motion in three dimensions, analogous equations for thexandycompo-
nents can be written, and the vector force is given by










−∇V (E-6)

where the symbolsi,j, andkstand for unit vectors in thex,y, andzdirections, respec-
tively, and where the symbol∇(“del”) stands for the three-termgradient operator
expressed in the right-hand side of the first line of Eq. (E-6). A system in which no
forces occur except those derivable from a potential energy is called aconservative
system. It is a theorem of mechanics that the energy of such a system is constant, or

E.2 Derivation of the Wave Equation for

a Flexible String
The wave equation for the flexible string was stated in Section 14.3. We now derive this
equation. Consider a small portion of the string lying betweenxandx+∆x, as shown
in Figure E.1. The tension force on the left end of the string segment is denoted byF 1 ,
and the force on the right end is denoted byF 2. Since the string is perfectly flexible,
no force can be put on the string by bending it. The force exerted on one portion of the
string by an adjacent portion is tangent to the string at the point dividing the portions,
and has a magnitude equal toT, the tension force at each end of the string. If the string
is straight, the forces at the ends of a given segment will cancel. If the string is curved,
the forces at the two ends of a portion of the string will not cancel.
Consider the segment of the string lying betweenxx′andxx+dx. We denote
the angles between thexaxis and the two tangent lines at the ends of the segment by
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