Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1276 F Some Mathematics Used in Quantum Mechanics


μ 0  4 π× 10 −^7 newton ampere−^2  4 π× 10 −^7 NA−^2 (exact value by definition)

 12. 566370614 × 10 −^7 NA−^2 (F-5)

The quantitycis the speed of propagation of the wave. The theory of Maxwell correctly
predicts the value of the speed of light in a vacuum:



(8. 8542 × 10 −^12 C^2 N−^1 m−^2 )(12. 56637 ...× 10 −^7 NA−^2 )

 2. 9979 × 108 ms−^1

There is an additional condition from Maxwell’s equations that makes Eqs. (F-1)
and (F-2) interdependent:




The electric field cannot oscillate without oscillation of the magnetic field, and vice
A traveling-wave solution to Eqs. (F-1) and (F-2) is

Ez(y,t)E 0 sin[2π(y−ct)/λ] (F-7)

Hx(y,t)H 0 sin[2π(y−ct)/λ] (F-8)
whereE 0 andH 0 are constants that obey Eq. (F-6). The wavelengthλcan take on any
real value.
An electromagnetic wave cannot penetrate a perfect conductor (one with zero resis-
tance) since a finite electric field would produce an infinite current. Electromagnetic
waves must have nodes at perfectly conducting walls, and will approximately vanish
at a real conducting wall. Reflection between walls in a conducting cavity can produce
standing electromagnetic waves.

F. 2 The Particle in a Three-Dimensional Box

In Section 15.3 we discussed a model system consisting of a single point-mass particle
absolutely confined in a three-dimensional rectangular box. We now go through the
mathematics of the Schrödinger equation for this system. We choose the potential
energy function:



0if0<x<aand 0<y<band 0<z<c
V 0 otherwise (outside the box)


and then take the limit thatV 0 approaches+∞.
We divide our space into two regions: region I, inside the box, and region II, outside
the box. For reasons exactly the same as in the one-dimensional case, the coordinate
wave function vanishes in region II. The time-independent Schrödinger equation for
the interior of the box is
∂^2 ψ


∂^2 ψ


∂^2 ψ



2 mE
h ̄
2 ψ (F-10)
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