Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1284 G The Perturbation Method

The coefficients of the linear (first-degree) terms obey the relation:

Ĥ′Ψ(0)n +Ĥ(0)Ψ(1)n E(1)nΨ(0)n +E(0)nΨ(1)n (G-6)

We represent the first-order correction to the wave function by a linear combination
of the unperturbed (zero-order) wave functions:



j 1

anjΨ(0)j (G-7)

This representation is substituted into Eq. (G-6), giving

Ĥ′Ψ(0)n +Ĥ(0)


j 1

j E


n +E


j 1

j (G-8)

j is an eigenfunction of
Ĥ(0)with eigenvalueE(0)
j ,

̂H′Ψ(0)n +


j 1

j Ψ

j E

n Ψ
n +E


j 1

j (G-9)

We now multiply each term of Eq. (G-9) byΨn(0)∗and integrate over all values
of the coordinates on which the wave function depends. Since the zero-order energy
eigenfunctions are orthogonal to each other if belonging to different eigenvalues, every
integral in the sums vanishes except the one for whichnj. We assume that the zero-
order wave functions are normalized, so that this integral equals unity. There is only
one term surviving in each sum, and we now have

Ψ(0)n∗Ĥ′Ψ(0)ndq+annE(0)n E(1)n +annEn(0) (G-10)

where we abbreviate the coordinates of the system byq. The second term on each side
cancels so that we obtain the result given in Eq. (19.3-8):


Ψ(0)n∗̂H′Ψ(0)ndq (G-11)

The first-order correction to the wave function and the second-order correction to the
energy eigenvalue involve sums over all of the unperturbed wave functions and energy
eigenvalues. We do not derive these formulas, but present them here. The formula for
the coefficientanjin Eq. (G-7) is

Ψ(1)n −


j 1

n −E


Ψj(0) (jn) (G-12)

where we introduce the “bracket” notation for the integral


Ψn(0)∗Ĥ′Ψ(0)j dq (G-13)
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