Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

G The Perturbation Method 1285

This integral is called amatrix elementofĤ′, and is also denoted byHnj′. The second-
order correction for the energy is given by



j 1

n −E



These corrections cannot generally be computed exactly since they contain an infinite
number of terms, but various approximation schemes have been worked out. The higher-
order corrections are even more difficult to work with, but a number of approximate
calculations of higher-order corrections to the energy of the helium atom have been

G. 2 The Degenerate Case

We must modify perturbation theory to apply it to an energy level that is degenerate
in zero order. For example, the two configurations (1s)(2s) and (1s)(2p) of the helium
atom correspond to several states that have the same energy in zero order. We assume
the same kind of Hamiltonian as in Eq. (G-1) and consider a zero-order energy level
with a degeneracy equal tog. We havegzero-order wave functions. We call them the
“initial” zero-order functions. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that each of these
functions would turn smoothly into one of the exact wave functions ifλis increased
The first task is to find the “correct” zero-order wave functions, which means that
there is a one-to-one correspondence between each of these functions and one of the
exact wave functions. Since there are no other zero-order wave functions corresponding
to the energy eigenvalue being considered, it must be possible to express each correct
zero-order wave functions as a linear combination of theginitial zero-order wave




j 1

j,init (n1, 2,...,g) (G-15)

where we denote thenth correct zero-order wave function byΨ(0)n,corrand thejth initial
zero-order wave function byΨ
Since the initial zero-order functions all correspond to the same zero-order energy
eigenvalue, the correct zero-order functions correspond to the same zero-order energy
eigenvalue. We assume that the exact energy eigenfunctions and energy eigenvalues
can be represented by power series inλas in Eqs. (19.3-5) and (19.3-6). For state

n λ+Ψ

n λ

(^2) + ··· (G-16)
EnE(0)+E(1)nλ+E(2)n λ^2 + ··· (G-17)
where we must include the correct zero-order function as the first term in Eq. (G-16),
not the initial function.
We now substitute the expressions of Eqs. (G-16) and (G-17) into the time-
independent Schrödinger equation:
Ĥ(λ)Ψn(λ)En(λ)Ψn(λ) (G-18)

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