Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

I Matrix Representations of Groups 1301

representation (it is the sum of unity for each diagonal element of the matrix). For
example, from the character table, we see that there is no irreducible representation
with dimension greater than 1 for theC 2 vgroup. There are no degenerate orbitals for
the water molecule.


Appendix I

1 Show by matrix multiplication that each of the matrices is
the inverse of the other:



⎦ and A−^1 

3 / 4 − 1 / 21 / 4
− 1 / 21 − 1 / 2
1 / 4 − 1 / 23 / 4

2 a.Verify that each of the matrices in Eqs. (I-4), (I-5), and
(I-6) give the same results as the symmetry operators.
b.Using matrix multiplication, show that

R(̂σyz)R(̂C 2 )R(̂σxz)

3 a.Verify the entire multiplication table for the
one-dimensional representation of Eqs. (I-7) to (I-10).
b.Generate the other two one-dimensional representations
and show that they obey the same multiplication
4 Create another 5×5 matrix with blocks of the same sizes in
the same positions as that of Eq. (I-12) and show by explicit
matrix multiplication that the product of the two matrices
has blocks of the same sizes in the same positions.
5 a.Show that each operator in the groupC 2 vis in a class by
b.Show that the identity operation is always in a class by
itself, no matter what group is being discussed.
6 Show that the character table for theC 3 vgroup in
Table A.26 of Appendix A conforms to the properties
in the list of theorems.
7 a.Verify the representation of Eqs. (I-20) to (I-22) using
the formulas for the real 3dorbitals from Table 17.3.
b.Obtain five one-dimensional representations from the
matrices of Eqs. (I-20) to (I-22) plus the identity
c.Make a character table for these one-dimensional
representations. Determine the number of times each
irreducible representation occurs in this five-dimensional

representation, using Eq. (I-19). Verify this result by
8 a.Show that the overlap integral of the oxygen 2sorbital
and symmetry-adapted orbital in Eq. (21.8-1) does not
b.Show that the overlap integral of the two
symmetry-adapted orbitals in Eqs. (21.8-1) and (21.8-2)
9 a.Find the maximum degeneracy for orbitals of the
ammonia (NH 3 ) molecule.
b.Find the maximum degeneracy for orbitals of the
methane (CH 4 ) molecule.
10 Find the matrix product



11 Construct the multiplication table for the matrices in Eqs.
(I-4)–(I-6) and show that it is identical to the multiplication
table for the point group C 2 v.
12 Carry out the similarity transformation as in Eq. (I-13),
letting the matrix in Eq. (I-4) play the role of B and letting
the matrix in Eq. (I-5) play the role of A. Identify the
resulting matrix as a representative of one of the operations
of the group C 2 v.
13 Benzene belongs to the point groupD 6 h. Identify the
eigenvalues of the following symmetry operations for each
of the orbitals whose regions are depicted in Figure 21.9. If
the orbital is not an eigenfunction, state that fact.
a.̂C 6 (axis perpendicular to the plane of the molecule)
b.̂C 62 (axis perpendicular to the plane of the molecule)
c.̂C 63 (axis perpendicular to the plane of the molecule)
d.̂σh(reflection plane in the plane of the molecule)
14 Determine whether the oxygen 2sorbital and a hydrogen 1s
orbital in the H 2 O molecule in its equilibrium conformation
will have zero overlap.
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