Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

J. Symbols Used in This Book

Efforts have been made to avoid using the same letter for two or more different variables
in the same section, but the use of the same letter for several quantities in different parts
of the book is unavoidable. In addition to the quantities in this list, various letters are
used for constants that occur in individual equations.

Symbol Quantity

a Constant parameter in various equations of state
a Distance of closest ionic approach in Debye–Hückel theory
ai Activity of substancei
A Area
A Helmholtz energy
An nth pressure virial coefficient
A Preexponential factor in Arrhenius expression for a rate constant
b Constant parameter in various equations of state
b Parameter in the extended Debye–Hückel theory
B Magnetic field (magnetic induction)
Bn nth virial coefficient
c Speed of light
c Number of components
ci Concentration of substancei, also denoted by [Fi]
c◦ 1 mol L−^1 (exactly)
CV Heat capacity at constant volume
CV,m Molar heat capacity at constant volume
CP Heat capacity at constant pressure
CP,m Molar heat capacity at constant pressure
d Collision diameter
d Reaction diameter
Di Diffusion coefficient of substancei
e The base of natural logarithms, 2.71828182846...
e Charge on a proton
E General symbol for an energy
Ec Center-of-mass energy
Er Relative energy
E Cell voltage
E◦ Cell voltage in the standard state
EEE Electric field
EAB Average bond energy of a bond between elements A and B
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