Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

J Symbols Used in This Book 1305

Symbol Quantity

L Usual symbol for a length
L Abbreviation for the liter (1 dm^3 )
m General symbol for a mass (wis also used)
mi Molality of substancei
m± Mean ionic molality
m◦ 1 mol kg−^1 (exactly)
M Molecular mass of a polymer
〈M〉n Number-average molecular mass of a polymer
〈M〉w Mass-average molecular mass of a polymer
〈M〉v Viscosity-average molecular mass of a polymer
Mi Molar mass of substancei
M Symbol sometimes used for a sum of masses
ni The amount of substancei(measured in moles)
i Surface amount of substancei
NAv Avogadro’s constant
Ni Number of molecules of substancei
Ni Number density of substancei
p Momentum vector
p General symbol for a probability
pi Probability of statei
p Number of phases
p Fraction of functional groups reacted
pH −log 10 [a(H+)]
pKa −log 10 (Ka)
P Pressure
Pi Partial pressure of substancei
Pc Critical pressure
Pr Reduced pressure
Pext Externally imposed pressure
P(transmitted) Pressure actually transmitted to or by the surroundings
P 1 ∗ Vapor pressure of pure substancei
P◦ Standard pressure, equal to 1 bar
q An amount of heat
q Heat flux
Q Electric charge
Q Activity quotient of a chemical reaction
r Usual symbol for a radius or a scalar distance
r Position vector
r Rate of a chemical reaction
r Resistivity
R Ideal gas constant
R Electrical resistance
R Reynolds number
s Number of substances
S Entropy
S◦m,i Absolute molar entropy of substancei
S Sedimentation coefficient
t Time
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