Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

J Symbols Used in This Book 1307

Symbol Quantity

Zij Total rate of collisions per unit volume of molecules of substance
iwith molecules of substancej
α Coefficient of thermal expansion
αL Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α,α′ Critical exponent for the heat capacity
α Parameter in Debye–Hückel theory
α Angle of rotation of polarized light
[α] Specific rotation
α Transfer coefficient or symmetry factor
α Degree of elongation of a sample of rubber
β Critical exponent for the density
β Parameter in Debye–Hückel theory
γ Surface or interfacial tension
γi Activity coefficient of substancei
γ± Mean ionic activity coefficient
∆ Symbol for a difference or an increment
ε 0 Permittivity of the vacuum
ε Permittivity of a medium
εrel Dielectric constant of a medium
ζ Reaction coordinate
ζ Configuration integral
η Efficiency or coefficient of performance
η Viscosity coefficient
ηsp Specific viscosity
[η] Intrinsic viscosity
η Overpotential
θ Thermodynamic temperature
θ Angle coordinate in spherical polar coordinates
θ Contact angle
θ Fraction of a surface covered by adsorbed molecules
Θ(θ) Angular factor in an atomic wave function
ΘD Debye temperature
ΘE Debye temperature
κS Adiabatic compressibility
κT Isothermal compressibility
κ Parameter in Debye–Hückel theory, reciprocal of Debye length
κ Thermal conductivity
λ Mean free path
λi(j) Mean free path between collisions of a molecule of substance
iwith molecules of substancej
λ Wavelength
μ Magnetic moment
μ 0 Permeability of a vacuum
Λi Molar conductivity of substance
μ Reduced mass
μ Mean value of a distribution
μi Chemical potential of componenti
μ◦i Chemical potential of componentiin a standard state
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